Best links of the week from 14th October to 20th October

- One Doctor’s Positive Experience With AI at The Wall Street Journal.
- Google appoints former Obama health official Karen DeSalvo to new chief health officer role at CNBC.
- Facebook reduces transparency of information on political-ad targeting at The Globe And Mail.
- Adopting AI in Health Care Will Be Slow and Difficult at Harvard Business Review.
- Sudo Flaw Lets Linux Users Run Commands As Root Even When They’re Restricted at The Hacker News.
- Several machine learning challenges on medical images at Grand Challenge.
- Exploratory’s Data Science Simple UI experience at
- Lightning: API-based access to reproducible web visualizations.
- En France, plus de 2,6 millions d’images médicales en libre accès sur Internet at 01net.
- O Químico e o Príncipe: o papel do cientista contra a pseudociência at Revista Questão de Ciência.
- ‘Ismartifone’: Amazon criou ‘inglês brasileiro’ para trazer Alexa ao País at Estadão.
- This Brain Computer Uses Your Jugular Like a USB Cable by Emily Mullin at OneZero.
- How You Manage These 2 Kinds of Employees Will Define Your Company’s Culture at Robert Glazer’s LinkedIn.
- How to get your very own RStudio Server and Shiny Server with DigitalOcean at Dean Attali’s Blog.
- SPACE = “FREE” OR HOW TO FIX YOUR FACET (WIDTH) at Matt Herman’s Blog.
- Neural nets are just people all the way down at Normcore Tech.
- What is Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and when should I use it? at Jose Cacho‘s Medium.
- Classification, Clustering, and You at Henry Blais‘s Medium.
- Practical Clustering with K-Means by Henry Blais at Towards Data Science.
- You say you want statistical significance? by Sarah Nooravi at GLAD Community.
- How Many Samples Do I Need in My Test? by Marguerite Siboni
at Towards Data Science. - How To Assess Statistical Significance In Your Data with Permutation Tests by Victor Saenger at Towards Data Science.
- The 1-Minute Practice You Can Use to Conquer Anxiety by Melody Wilding, LMSW at Mind Cafe.
- The Mathematics and Intuitions of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Using Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) by Lukmon AYINLA at The Data League.
- Como funciona a inteligência artificial por trás dos robôs de voz? at Olhar Digital.
Positions available
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in translational research at Institute Necker Enfants Malades.
- Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Marquette University.
- Programador(a) at Nossas.
- Research Assistant/Associate: Decoding Notch signals in real time (Fixed Term) at University of Cambridge.
- Machine Learning Researcher at the Advanced Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2).
- Next Generation Scientist Intern 2020 at Novartis.
- Faculty Position in Data-Driven Engineering Design at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne.
- Research Scientist – Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Behavior at BOSCH.
- Research Engineer – Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Behavior at BOSCH.
- Postdoctoral opportunity in Machine Learning based Ligand Binding Predictor at the University of Manitoba.
- Ph.D. position in Computer Science at Örebro University.
- Director, Machine Learning at Comcast.
- Lecturer position in Machine Learning at University of Tokyo.
- Data Engineer Pleno at Jeitto.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Geofusion.
- Data Scientist Pleno at Lett.
- Junior Software Engineer at GovPredict.
- Lead Software Engineer at GovPredict.
- Analista de Inteligência Artificial at Fs Security Servicos de Tecnologia.
- Ph.D. Fellowships in Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge.
- 12 Fully Funded Phd Positions in Biomedical AI at the University of Edinburgh.
- Machine Learning Engineer at CI&T.