Best links of the week from 13th April to 19th April

- Jobs in Science & Technology from Science Careers.
- Find jobs (and create job alerts) at Academic Positions.
- Find a Postdoc.
- Post doc jobs.
- Causas de mortes constantes nos registros de óbitos lavrados pelos Cartórios do Brasil.
- Brasil.IO especial COVID19.
Blog posts
- Monitoramento das tendências de isolamento social no RN a partir dos dados de mobilidade do Google at Demografia UFRN.
- Tendência de isolamento social desacelera no Brasil at Jornal GGN.
- O que nos diz a densidade demográfica para analisar a covid-19 no estado do Amazonas? at Demografia UFRN.
- The Impact Of Coronavirus On Global Activity at Fitbit blog.
- Forecasting s-curves is hard at Constance Crozier’s Blog.
- As bases de dados para estimar sub-notificações do COVID-19 at Fernando Barbalho’s Medium.
- O Tamanho da Subnotificação dos Casos de COVID-19 at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
- How virus transmits? Japanese captured it on highly powerful camera. at Kasauli TV‘s YouTube channel.
- Neural Network Learns to Play Snake at Greer Viau‘s YouTube channel.
- Dez Mandamentos do Powerpoint at Leonardo Monasterio‘s YouTube channel.
Positions available
- Team Leader opportunities at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research.
- Cientista de Dados Pleno/Sênior at Plusdin.
- Analista Sênior de Business Analytics at Alelo.
- PhD+postdoc on Learning for mapping sea litter in H2020 SeaClear at the Technical University of Cluj.
- Several Ph.D. studentships are available (here too) at the Faculty of Computer Science of UNamur.
- Ph.D. position in the Internet of Robotic Things at Aalborg University.
- Tenure track position: Cost and data efficient approaches for ML and AI at KU Leuven.
- Tenure track position: AI & combinatorial optimization at KU Leuven.
- Postdoctoral in ML + application to nuclear physics at UTSA.
- Postdoctoral Researcher opportunity in Natural Language Processing at the University of Vermont.
- Attractive 3 years Postdoc Position in Computer Science (Machine Learning & Data Science) at the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- Senior Deep Learning Researcher at PTC Group.
- Analista de Sistema II at dasa.
- Desenvolvedor(a) Full Stack at ZUP.
- Decision Scientist at Escale.
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