
Best links of the week #71

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Best links of the week from 8th June to 14th June

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  1. Hipótese de Sapir-Whorf at Wikipedia.
  2. Live 2020 Max Planck Lecture by Geoffrey Hinton (June, 23rd).
  3. Um livro ilustrado de maus argumentos.
  4. Your logical fallacy is.
  5. Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics 2020.
  6. When 511 Epidemiologists Expect to Fly, Hug and Do 18 Other Everyday Activities Again at the New York Times.
  7. 7 Reasons Why Studying a Bachelor’s Degrees Abroad in Better than in Your Home Town at Study Portals Masters.
  8. 7 Decisive Reasons to Study Abroad in 2020 – Why You Won’t Regret It at Study Portals Bachelors.

Blog posts

  1. “Depois disso, logo, causado por isso”… Será? at Portal Deviante.
  2. Why is Linear Algebra Taught So Badly? by Callum Ballard at Towards Data Science.
  3. Why is Data Science Losing Its Charm? by Harshit Ahuja at Towards Data Science.


  1. Dividing by zero? at Eddie Woo‘s YouTube channel.
  2. Why is 0! = 1? at Eddie Woo‘s YouTube channel.
  3. What is 0 to the power of 0? at Eddie Woo‘s YouTube channel.


  1. A Ciência e a COVID-19 (SciCast #380) at Portal Deviante.

Positions available

  1. Ph.D. position on graph and neuroscience at Aix-Marseille University.
  2. Ph.D. Position in Fair AI at Queen’s University Belfast.
  3. Research Fellow in Machine Learning at University of Birmingham.
  4. Postdoctoral position in AI and multi-agent systems at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica.
  5. Ph.D. studentship in AI-based Smart Grid at University of Lincoln.
  6. Cientista de Dados Sênior at Wayon.
  7. Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer / Data Engineer at Guiabolso.
  8. Líder de BI at ACCT.
  9. Analista de Banco de Dados / Cientista de Dados at HST Card Technology.
  10. Engenheiro de dados at estante virtual.
  11. Data Scientist at Recruta Simples Vagas.
  12. Tech Lead at Easynvest.
  13. Cientista de dados at VICE Media.
  14. Engenheiro de Dados at Braskem.
  15. Data Scientist Pleno at Zoom & Buscapé.
  16. Engenheiro de dados at Deloitte Brasil.