Best links of the week from 8th June to 14th June

- Hipótese de Sapir-Whorf at Wikipedia.
- Live 2020 Max Planck Lecture by Geoffrey Hinton (June, 23rd).
- Um livro ilustrado de maus argumentos.
- Your logical fallacy is.
- Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics 2020.
- When 511 Epidemiologists Expect to Fly, Hug and Do 18 Other Everyday Activities Again at the New York Times.
- 7 Reasons Why Studying a Bachelor’s Degrees Abroad in Better than in Your Home Town at Study Portals Masters.
- 7 Decisive Reasons to Study Abroad in 2020 – Why You Won’t Regret It at Study Portals Bachelors.
Blog posts
- “Depois disso, logo, causado por isso”… Será? at Portal Deviante.
- Why is Linear Algebra Taught So Badly? by Callum Ballard at Towards Data Science.
- Why is Data Science Losing Its Charm? by Harshit Ahuja at Towards Data Science.
- Dividing by zero? at Eddie Woo‘s YouTube channel.
- Why is 0! = 1? at Eddie Woo‘s YouTube channel.
- What is 0 to the power of 0? at Eddie Woo‘s YouTube channel.
Positions available
- Ph.D. position on graph and neuroscience at Aix-Marseille University.
- Ph.D. Position in Fair AI at Queen’s University Belfast.
- Research Fellow in Machine Learning at University of Birmingham.
- Postdoctoral position in AI and multi-agent systems at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica.
- Ph.D. studentship in AI-based Smart Grid at University of Lincoln.
- Cientista de Dados Sênior at Wayon.
- Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer / Data Engineer at Guiabolso.
- Líder de BI at ACCT.
- Analista de Banco de Dados / Cientista de Dados at HST Card Technology.
- Engenheiro de dados at estante virtual.
- Data Scientist at Recruta Simples Vagas.
- Tech Lead at Easynvest.
- Cientista de dados at VICE Media.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Braskem.
- Data Scientist Pleno at Zoom & Buscapé.
- Engenheiro de dados at Deloitte Brasil.