Best links of the week from 24th June to 30th June

- I know what you did last session – clustering users with ml presented at PAPIs LATAM 2019.
- You can also see all the talks that happened during PAPIs LATAM 2018 here on their YouTube channel.
- Data Science Cheatsheet by Maverick Lin at his GitHub.
- Announcing the YouTube-8M Segments Dataset at Google AI Blog.
- BDMEP – Banco de Dados Meteorológicos para Ensino e Pesquisa.
- Introducing 3D ggplots with rayshader at Tyler Morgan-Wall’s Blog.
- Analisando Questionários no R: Uma Abordagem Multivariada at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
- Natal ou Porto Alegre: Onde o Verão é Mais Quente? at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
- Criando Memes com o R e o Pacote memer at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
- Visualização Gráfica e Resumida dos Resultados das Edições do ENEM nos Anos de 2010 a 2015 at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
- Quando a área de saúde encontra a ciência dos dados at Antonio Valerio Netto’s LinkedIn.
Positions available
- Cientista de Dados Sênior at RecrutaSimples.
- Desenvolvedor Chatbot Python Pleno at Cloudia.
- Engenheiro DBA at ClickA.
- Engenheiro de Dados at ClickA.
- Pessoa Engenharia de Dados at ThoughtWorks.
- Analista de Banco de Dados at Desbravador Software.
- Desenvolvedor Backend Java (Big Data) at Improving.
- Desenvolvedor Machine Learning at docket.
- Desenvolvedor de ETLs (Python) at Stone.
- Analista de Dados (Foco em Eng. de Dados) at Stone.
- Senior Data Analyst at Pipefy.
- Pesquisador II em Inteligência Artificial at SENAI/SC.
- DBA / Arquiteto de Banco de Dados Sênior at Méliuz.
- Data Engineer at QuintoAndar.
- 2 PhD and 1 PostDoctoral positions in Machine Learning and Data Mining for Personalized Cancer Screening at several institutions in Norway.
- Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis at New York University School of Medicine.
- Research Fellow in Adversarial machine Learning at Melbourne School of Engineering.
- Research Fellow in Medical Data Mining at Melbourne School of Engineering.
- Senior Data Scientist at Microsoft Research.
- PhD Program in Health Data Science – HEADS at Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
- Research Fellow in Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging at the University of Leeds.
- PhD Candidate in Machine Learning at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.