
Best links of the week #25

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Best links of the week from 24th June to 30th June

Source here.


  1. I know what you did last session – clustering users with ml presented at PAPIs LATAM 2019.
  2. You can also see all the talks that happened during PAPIs LATAM 2018 here on their YouTube channel.
  3. Data Science Cheatsheet by Maverick Lin at his GitHub.
  4. Announcing the YouTube-8M Segments Dataset at Google AI Blog.
  5. BDMEP – Banco de Dados Meteorológicos para Ensino e Pesquisa.


  1. Introducing 3D ggplots with rayshader at Tyler Morgan-Wall’s Blog.
  2. Analisando Questionários no R: Uma Abordagem Multivariada at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
  3. Natal ou Porto Alegre: Onde o Verão é Mais Quente? at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
  4. Criando Memes com o R e o Pacote memer at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
  5. Visualização Gráfica e Resumida dos Resultados das Edições do ENEM nos Anos de 2010 a 2015 at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
  6. Quando a área de saúde encontra a ciência dos dados at Antonio Valerio Netto’s LinkedIn.


  1. Connections between causality and machine learning by Jonas Peters at Criteo Labs YouTube channel.

Positions available

  1. Cientista de Dados Sênior at RecrutaSimples.
  2. Desenvolvedor Chatbot Python Pleno at Cloudia.
  3. Engenheiro DBA at ClickA.
  4. Engenheiro de Dados at ClickA.
  5. Pessoa Engenharia de Dados at ThoughtWorks.
  6. Analista de Banco de Dados at Desbravador Software.
  7. Desenvolvedor Backend Java (Big Data) at Improving.
  8. Desenvolvedor Machine Learning at docket.
  9. Desenvolvedor de ETLs (Python) at Stone.
  10. Analista de Dados (Foco em Eng. de Dados) at Stone.
  11. Senior Data Analyst at Pipefy.
  12. Pesquisador II em Inteligência Artificial at SENAI/SC.
  13. DBA / Arquiteto de Banco de Dados Sênior at Méliuz.
  14. Data Engineer at QuintoAndar.
  15. 2 PhD and 1 PostDoctoral positions in Machine Learning and Data Mining for Personalized Cancer Screening at several institutions in Norway.
  16. Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis at New York University School of Medicine.
  17. Research Fellow in Adversarial machine Learning at Melbourne School of Engineering.
  18. Research Fellow in Medical Data Mining at Melbourne School of Engineering.
  19. Senior Data Scientist at Microsoft Research.
  20. PhD Program in Health Data Science – HEADS at Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
  21. Research Fellow in Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging at the University of Leeds.
  22. PhD Candidate in Machine Learning at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.