Best links of the week from 7th October to 13th October

- 7 most common data visualization mistakes at The Next Web.
- MIT has just announced a $1 billion plan to create a new college for AI at MIT Technology Review.
- AI in health care: Capacity, capability, and a future of active health in Asia at MIT Technology Review.
- The Ethical Dilemmas AI Poses for Health Care at Wall Street Journal.
- Você está desenvolvendo as habilidades que não serão automatizadas? at Harvard Business Review Brasil.
- Igrejas evangélicas pentecostais tiveram boom de crescimento nos governos Lula e Dilma at Revista Forum.
- Como a corrida mundial pelo processamento de dados pode ‘colonizar’ o Brasil e outros países? at BBC Brasil.
- Edição de genoma está prestes a ser testada em humanos no Brasil at Revista Questão de Ciência.
- Essential Math for Data Science by Tirthajyoti Sarkar at Towards Data Science.
- Understanding how the perceptron really works by Bobby Lindsey at Towards Data Science.
- Neural Network: A Complete Beginners Guide from Scratch by Imdadul Haque Milon at Gadictos.
- Intro to Bayesian Statistics by Pranav P at Towards Data Science.
- Tips for a high-quality statistical analysis by Gabrielle Teixeira at PlayKids: Tech Blog.
- A Quick Introduction to K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm by Adi Bronshtein at Noteworthy – The Journal Blog.
- Como treinar seu modelo de KNN by Andre Alves Ambrósio at Data Hackers.
- Introdução teórica a Neural Network — Deep Learning — Parte 1 by Arthur Lamblet Vaz at Data Hackers.
- Introdução teórica a Neural Network — Deep Learning — Parte 2 by Arthur Lamblet Vaz at Data Hackers.
- Introdução teórica a Neural Network — Deep Learning — Parte 3 by Arthur Lamblet Vaz at Data Hackers.
- Neural Network — Deep Learning — Parte 4: Introdução Teórica by Arthur Lamblet Vaz at Data Hackers.
- AutoML: uma nova abordagem de Machine Learning by Lucas Oliveira at Data Hackers.
Positions available
- Data Scientist at PicPay.
- Data Engineer at PicPay.
- Data Governance at PicPay.
- Data Analytics at PicPay
- Data Science at Sul América.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Hospital Sírio-Libanês.
- Cientista de Dados at Hospital Sírio-Libanês.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Quod.
- Cientista Dados at Bayer.
- Game Data Analyst at VanHack.
- Analista de Dados e BI at olist.
- Ph.D. opportunity in Data Science at the University of Technology Sidney.
- Post-doctoral (or Engineer) position in Scene Understanding and Movement-based Human-Robot Collaboration in Industry 4.0 at MINES Paris Tech.
- Internship in benchmarking robotic manipulation skills learning: adaptation, contact-rich and refinement capabilities at Bosch.
- Post-doctoral opportunity in AI for Industry – Integrating Learning and Reasoning at KU Leuven.
- Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor (Artificial Intelligence) at Oregon State University.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: ML for Dynamic Modeling at NY University.
- Ph.D. fellow in Computer Science at KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET.
- Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in Computer Science at the University of Toronto.
- Associate/Assistant Professor in Machine Learning and Signal Processing at DTU COMPUTE.
- Research Postdoctoral Fellow in natural language processing (NLP) at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
- Assistant Professor in Data Science at the University of Arkansas.
- Assistant Professor in embedded systems, cyber physical systems, autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things, and cyber security at the University of Arkansas.
- Full Professor (W3) for Machine Learning at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
- Several Ph.D. opportunities at several different research institutions.
- Senior DevOps Engineer at Freedom of the Press Foundation.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning and Healthcare at the University of Edinburgh.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning applied to Health at USP.