
Best links of the week #59

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best links of the week from 2nd March to 8th March

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  1. Understanding Bayesian Networks with Examples in R at bnlearn.
  2. Rockefeller, Mastercard team up to leverage data science for social impact at devex.
  3. Introduction to ggridges.
  4. Dados do mercado de trabalho para Cientista de Dados.
  5. Desmistificando a inteligência artificial – onde estamos e para onde vamos? (1/5) at Deviante.

Blog posts

  1. First Impressions of Data Science Version Control (DVC) at Christopher Samiullah’s Blog.
  2. A walkthrough of DVC at codecentric.
  3. DVC dependency management – a guide at codecentric.
  4. Remote training with GitLab-CI and DVC at codecentric.
  5. Explain Your Model with the SHAP Values by Dr. Dataman at Towards Data Science.
  6. The Story of Us: Intro at Wait But Why.
  7. Bayes’ rule with a simple and practical example at Towards Data Science.


  1. Explicabilidade em Machine Learning: isso existe? by Bianca Ximenes at InfoQ Brasil.
  2. Caixas pretas, vieses e causalidade by myself at Open Data Day Natal 2020.

Positions available

  1. Managing urban water demand across multiple spatio-temporal scales at Politecnico di Milano.
  2. Postdoctoral opportunity in AI for Earth Observation data at ESA.
  3. Postdoctoral opportunity in machine learning at TU Wien.
  4. Ph.D. positions in machine learning at TU Wien.
  5. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and / or Machine learning at the University of Bristol.
  6. Project Professor (Assistant, Associate, Full) / Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellows at IRCN.
  7. Ph.D. positions in Natural Language Processing for Cross-Lingual, Cross-Domain, and Limited Supervision Learning at ITU Copenhagen.
  8. Research Associate in Privacy and Machine Learning at the University of Edinburgh.
  9. Research Associate in Privacy and Machine Learning at the University of Edinburgh.
  10. Research Associate in Multimodal Machine Learning at ICL.
  11. Cientista de Dados/Spark/Python – Nível Sênior at HrSoul Hunting Relationship.
  12. Senior Data Scientist at Pipefy.
  13. Data Engineer (Desenvolvedor Data Science) at FIEC.
  14. Data Coordinator at Delivery Center.
  15. Desenvolvedor Data Science/Machine Learning at Eldorado.
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