Best links of the week from 2nd March to 8th March

- Understanding Bayesian Networks with Examples in R at bnlearn.
- Rockefeller, Mastercard team up to leverage data science for social impact at devex.
- Introduction to ggridges.
- Dados do mercado de trabalho para Cientista de Dados.
- Desmistificando a inteligência artificial – onde estamos e para onde vamos? (1/5) at Deviante.
Blog posts
- First Impressions of Data Science Version Control (DVC) at Christopher Samiullah’s Blog.
- A walkthrough of DVC at codecentric.
- DVC dependency management – a guide at codecentric.
- Remote training with GitLab-CI and DVC at codecentric.
- Explain Your Model with the SHAP Values by Dr. Dataman at Towards Data Science.
- The Story of Us: Intro at Wait But Why.
- Bayes’ rule with a simple and practical example at Towards Data Science.
- Explicabilidade em Machine Learning: isso existe? by Bianca Ximenes at InfoQ Brasil.
- Caixas pretas, vieses e causalidade by myself at Open Data Day Natal 2020.
Positions available
- Managing urban water demand across multiple spatio-temporal scales at Politecnico di Milano.
- Postdoctoral opportunity in AI for Earth Observation data at ESA.
- Postdoctoral opportunity in machine learning at TU Wien.
- Ph.D. positions in machine learning at TU Wien.
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and / or Machine learning at the University of Bristol.
- Project Professor (Assistant, Associate, Full) / Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellows at IRCN.
- Ph.D. positions in Natural Language Processing for Cross-Lingual, Cross-Domain, and Limited Supervision Learning at ITU Copenhagen.
- Research Associate in Privacy and Machine Learning at the University of Edinburgh.
- Research Associate in Privacy and Machine Learning at the University of Edinburgh.
- Research Associate in Multimodal Machine Learning at ICL.
- Cientista de Dados/Spark/Python – Nível Sênior at HrSoul Hunting Relationship.
- Senior Data Scientist at Pipefy.
- Data Engineer (Desenvolvedor Data Science) at FIEC.
- Data Coordinator at Delivery Center.
- Desenvolvedor Data Science/Machine Learning at Eldorado.
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