Best links of the week from 4th May to 10th May

- COVID-19 dashboard by NatalNet lab (UFRN).
- COVID-19 dashboard by Brain Institute (UFRN).
- Rt Covid-19.
- Monitor COVID-19.
- Estimativas de R(t) por Estados do Brasil at Flavio Figueiredo’s website.
- Many other COVID-19 dashboards.
- COVID-19 Projections Using Machine Learning.
- Join the DVC Ambassador Program! at DVC Blog.
- Resultados da pesquisa de mercado de Data Science feita pelo Data Hackers at Kaggle.
Blog posts
- A Gentle Introduction to the Bayes Optimal Classifier at Machine Learning Mastery.
- What is a Hypothesis in Machine Learning? at Machine Learning Mastery.
- What programming language has the happiest developers? at The Startup Medium.
- Epidemic Modeling 101: Or why your CoVID-19 exponential fits are wrong by Bruno Gonçalves at Data For Science.
- Epidemic Modeling 102: All CoVID-19 models are wrong, but some are useful by Bruno Gonçalves at Data For Science.
- Epidemic Modeling 103: Adding confidence intervals and stochastic effects to your CoVID-19 Models by Bruno Gonçalves at Data For Science.
Positions available
- 35 temporary Data Scientist/Data Engineer positions at the Ministry of Justice in Brazil.
- Ph.D. position in Robust Graph Representation Learning and Applications at CentraleSupelec/Inria and Telecom Paris.
- Executive Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence at ETH Zurich.
- Ph.D. positions on large scale optimization for machine learning.
- Postdoctoral position (Machine Learning) at the National University of Singapore.
- Research position in column generation methods for Machine Learning at the University of Hamburg.
- Two full-time Ph.D. studentships available to pursue cutting-edge research in Artificial Intelligence at Cit-AI.
- Ph.D. fellowship on DNA replication genomics at Institut Curie.
- Several data science-related positions at Lopes Labs.
- Cientista de dados at Juntos Seguros.
- Pesquisador de Tecnologia de Informação at Hospital de Câncer de Barretos.
- Data Scientist at LexisNexis.
- Machine Learning Researcher at Guise.AI.
- ITS Data Analyst at Kimberly-Clark.
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