
Best links of the week #68

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best links of the week from 4th May to 10th May

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  1. COVID-19 dashboard by NatalNet lab (UFRN).
  2. COVID-19 dashboard by Brain Institute (UFRN).
  3. Rt Covid-19.
  4. Monitor COVID-19.
  5. Estimativas de R(t) por Estados do Brasil at Flavio Figueiredo’s website.
  6. Many other COVID-19 dashboards.
  7. COVID-19 Projections Using Machine Learning.
  9. Join the DVC Ambassador Program! at DVC Blog.
  10. Resultados da pesquisa de mercado de Data Science feita pelo Data Hackers at Kaggle.

Blog posts

  1. A Gentle Introduction to the Bayes Optimal Classifier at Machine Learning Mastery.
  2. What is a Hypothesis in Machine Learning? at Machine Learning Mastery.
  3. What programming language has the happiest developers? at The Startup Medium.
  4. Epidemic Modeling 101: Or why your CoVID-19 exponential fits are wrong by Bruno Gonçalves at Data For Science.
  5. Epidemic Modeling 102: All CoVID-19 models are wrong, but some are useful by Bruno Gonçalves at Data For Science.
  6. Epidemic Modeling 103: Adding confidence intervals and stochastic effects to your CoVID-19 Models by Bruno Gonçalves at Data For Science.

Positions available

  1. 35 temporary Data Scientist/Data Engineer positions at the Ministry of Justice in Brazil.
  2. Ph.D. position in Robust Graph Representation Learning and Applications at CentraleSupelec/Inria and Telecom Paris.
  3. Executive Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence at ETH Zurich.
  4. Ph.D. positions on large scale optimization for machine learning.
  5. Postdoctoral position (Machine Learning) at the National University of Singapore.
  6. Research position in column generation methods for Machine Learning at the University of Hamburg.
  7. Two full-time Ph.D. studentships available to pursue cutting-edge research in Artificial Intelligence at Cit-AI.
  8. Ph.D. fellowship on DNA replication genomics at Institut Curie.
  9. Several data science-related positions at Lopes Labs.
  10. Cientista de dados at Juntos Seguros.
  11. Pesquisador de Tecnologia de Informação at Hospital de Câncer de Barretos.
  12. Data Scientist at LexisNexis.
  13. Machine Learning Researcher at Guise.AI.
  14. ITS Data Analyst at Kimberly-Clark.
  15. ANALISTA DE DATA SCIENCE  at Banco Inter.
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