
Best links of the week #12

Reading time: < 1 minute

Best links of the week from 25th March to 31th March.


  1. Harvard Dataverse is a repository of data currently hosting over 82 thousand datasets.
  2. The origins of the job title “data scientist” at Quartz at work.
  3. The Data Incubator offers [paid] courses and bootcamps in Data Analysis.
  4. Teenagers are better behaved and less hedonistic nowadays at The Economist.
  5. Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control) at The New York Times.
  6. RATP, Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (English: Autonomous Operator of Parisian Transports) is data friendly!
  7. Data Science Meetups: A list of Data Science Meetups from around the world!
  8. A list of R conferences, groups and meetings at Jumping Rivers GitHub page.


  1. Why Factor is one of the most amazing things in R & forcats helps you realize it at Exploratory.
  2. Here’s why so many data scientists are leaving their jobs by Jonny Brooks-Bartlett at Towards Data Science.
  3. The Cold Start Problem with Artificial Intelligence by Dwayne Gefferie at Towards Data Science.
  4. 5 Things I’ve Gained Since Working Abroad After Studies at Sade Faneyte’s LinkedIn.
  5. I tracked Apple’s Top 200 Podcasts for two years. Here’s what I found by Dan Misener at Pacific Content.
  6. 7 Things Every Data Worker Should Know About Metadata by Raj Singh at The Data Lab.
  7. Making it easier to discover datasets at Google Official Blog: Search.
  8. Dealing with unbalanced data in machine learning at Shirin’s playgRound.
  9. Launching codecentric.AI Bootcamp course! at Shirin’s playgRound.

Positions available

  1. BMBF funded Postdoc – Machine Learning / Computational Biology, dimensionality reduction and latent space modelling for single-cell biology & genomics.
  2. BMBF funded project MechML to build on the machine learning model repository Kipoi ( for models in single-cell genomics.
  3. Data scientist position in biomedical machine learning and high-performance computing.
  4. Data Scientist – Talent Acquisition position at Bogotá, Colombia.
  5. Genomics technician position at CNRGH (Evry, France).

Data Science focused and commented version in Portuguese here.