Best links of the week from 8th April to 14th April

- Many more images like the one above at Business Broadway.
- Websites with challenges and exercises at Gabriel Fonseca’s GitHub page.
- Support innovation in healthcare with Hacking Health! There are several chapters around the world, including several in Brazil and in France :-).
- What are some examples of “Correlation does not equal causation?” at Quora.
- Does no correlation imply no causality? at Cross Validated.
- PEARL VS RUBIN (GELMAN) at Dokyun Lee’s website.
- Virgilio, your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning at Giacomo Ciarlini.
- A quick reference for data visualization.
- Dev Tube.
- Por que preciso de “Análise de Componentes Principais” ou PCA na mineração de dados? at Quora.
- Harvard lança 15 cursos gratuitos de Inteligência Artificial at Estagio Online.
- Os testes de Harvard selecionam seus genes at Deviante.
- A realidade biopsicossocial da violência at Deviante.
- Why a data scientist is not a data engineer at O’Reilly Ideas.
- Data engineers vs. data scientists at O’Reilly Ideas.
- Causation without Correlation is Possible at The Incidental Economist.
- Know your risks, but meat still isn’t the enemy at The Incidental Economist.
- Reader Response: Causation Bias at The Incidental Economist.
- What to do when your training and testing data come from different distributions at FreeCodeCamp.
- Great developers are raised, not hired at The Principal Developer.
- Learning from our errors in data visualisation at The Economist.
- Super Science Friends, a nice science animation.
Positions available
- Big Data Analyst at PRODESP.
- Cientista de dados at BLU.
- Data Mining Assistent at TalentFlux.
- Researcher / Data Scientist at Hitachi Europe.
- Predictive Analytics Team Lead (home based) at UNOPS.
- Data Scientist at EDF Training.
Data Science focused and commented version in Portuguese here.