Best links of the week from 17th June to 23rd June

- Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained at Oleksii Trekhleb’s GitHub.
- TOP 100 R tutorials for beginners at Listen Data.
- Best ZSH theme (powerlevel9k) 🙂 at Ben Hilburn’s GitHub.
- Discover and install useful RStudio addins at Dean Attali’s GitHub.
- Reticulate: R Interface to Python. RMarkdown with Python and R together? Voilà!
- Create interactive timeline visualizations in R at Dean Attali’s GitHub.
- Building Shiny apps – an interactive tutorial at Dean Attali’s Blog.
- Globo recruta para treinamento em ciência de dados com chance de emprego at EXAME.
- Create Infographics with R at Listen Data.
- Machine Learning for Everyone In simple words. With real-world examples. Yes, again at vas3k blog.
- As vantagens [reprodutivas] de ser altruísta at Deviante.
- How to Turn Cancer Against Itself at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- The Secrets of Extreme Breath Holding at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- Are any Animals Truly Monogamous? at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- Are We Really 99% Chimp? at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- You Are A Fish at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- Why Earthquakes Are So Hard To Predict at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- Why Are Your Fingerprints Unique? at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- Why Earth Has Two Levels | Hypsometric Curve at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- How Long Can We Live? at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
- The trap of similarity at MinuteEarth YouTube channel.
Positions available
- Data Scientist at Cargill.
- Data Scientist at DeeperSystems.
- Web Developer at DeeperSystems.
- Cientista de Dados at Recruta Simples.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Recruta Simples.
- Analista BIG DATA at Assurance IT.
- Analista de DataTech at Comunicação Ltda.
- Data Engineer at QuintoAndar.
- DBA MongoDB at Iteam.