
Best links of the week #33

Reading time: 3 minutes

Best links of the week from 19th August to 25th August

The daily life of researchers requesting access to data.


  1. Microsoft AcademIA.
  2. Alphabet’s AI might be able to predict kidney disease.
  3. Awesome Visualization Techniques for every dataset (Python) at Vipul Patel‘s LinkedIn.
  4. Data Visualization in R at Vipul Patel‘s LinkedIn.
  5. The Ultimate Guide to 12 Dimension Reduction Techniques at Vipul Patel‘s LinkedIn.
  6. Quando a Lua brilha mais do que o Sol at Inovação Tecnológica.
  7. Embraer apresenta protótipo de avião com propulsão elétrica at Inovação Tecnológica.
  8. Finep anuncia plataforma de conectividade e negócios at Inovação Tecnológica.
  9. Chip para internet das coisas agora tem tudo que precisa at Inovação Tecnológica.
  10. 10 palavras que significam coisas diferentes para os cientistas at Inovação Tecnológica.
  11. Tijolos vivos prometem casas que se regeneraem na paisagem at Inovação Tecnológica.


  1. What is Hidden in the Hidden Markov Model? by Vimarsh Karbhari
    at Acing AI.
  2. What is ROC? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
  3. What is AUC? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
  4. How to evaluate ML models using confusion matrix? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
  5. Several posts on Data Science job interviews at famous companies such as JP Morgan, Quora, Oracle, Twitch, Spotify, Airbnb and so many others at Acing AI.
  6. How to evaluate regression models? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
  7. MAE and RMSE — Which Metric is Better? by JJ at Human in a Machine World.
  8. What is better- a Type I or a Type II error? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
  9. What is the simplest way to prevent Overfitting? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
  10. Interview Guide to Probability Distributions by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
  11. Can You Solve This Facebook Interview Question? Facebook Raining In Seattle Probability at Mind Your Own Decisions.


  1. Solving Facebook’s Tricky Raining In Seattle Interview Question at MindYourDecisions‘ YouTube channel.

Positions available

  1. Post-doctoral opportunities at Technische Universität Berlin.
  2. Associate Professorships in Systems Biology and Cancer Biology at the University of Pavia.
  3. Research Fellow: Single Cell Analysis of Decision-making in Development at the University College London.
  4. Data Engineer at olist.
  5. Engenharia de Dados at BTG Pactual.
  6. Engenheiro de Dados at Hariken.
  7. Desenvolvedor Backend at Hariken.
  8. Data Engineer at marche.
  9. Especialista em BI at Youse.
  10. Data Science Engineer at Loadsmart.
  11. Estagiário em Inteligência de Mercado (Business Intelligence) at Eduqo.
  12. Cientista de Dados (Campinas) at Programmer’s Beyond It.
  13. Analista de Dados Jr. at tembici.
  14. Estágio Data Analytics at tembici.
  15. Research Associate in Reinforcement Learning at the University of Oxford.
  16. Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Machine Learning for Mental Health Care Technology at the University of Oslo.
  17. Ph.D. fellowship in artificial intelligence at the University of Ghent.
  18. Postdoctoral Position (two years) in Optimization for Statistical Learning at the University of Umea.
  19. Postdoctoral Position (two years) in Statistical Learning with Sparsity at the University of Umea.
  20. Ph.D. position in Artificial Intelligence at Lund University.
  21. Several jobs and Ph.D. opportunities in Artificial Intelligence at the Human-Centered AI Lab (Holzinger Group).
  22. Ph.D. Fellowship in Numerical Analysis at Lund University.
  23. Ph.D. Fellowship in Spiking neural architectures for speech prosody at Indiap.
  24. Postdoctoral Position in Stochastic Traffic Networks at Chalmers University of Technology.
  25. Ph.D. Research Fellow in ICT – Smart Sensing and Communications for UAVs at Universitetet i Agder.
  26. Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Applied Machine Learning at the University of Oxford.
  27. Ph.D. fellow in Theoretical Machine Learning at the University of Copenhagen.
  28. Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Machine Learning for Mental Health Care Technology at the Universitetet i Oslo.
  29. One Ph.D. and one Postdoctoral/Researcher Fellowship in Reducing Vulnerability Regarding (Healthcare) Robotics (3 and 4 years, resp.) in Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo, Norway.
  30. Postdoctoral Scholar – Research Associate position at USC.
  31. Senior Quantitative Researcher (Stats, Machine Learning, Python/R) at Yelp.