Best links of the week from 19th August to 25th August
- Microsoft AcademIA.
- Alphabet’s AI might be able to predict kidney disease.
- Awesome Visualization Techniques for every dataset (Python) at Vipul Patel‘s LinkedIn.
- Data Visualization in R at Vipul Patel‘s LinkedIn.
- The Ultimate Guide to 12 Dimension Reduction Techniques at Vipul Patel‘s LinkedIn.
- Quando a Lua brilha mais do que o Sol at Inovação Tecnológica.
- Embraer apresenta protótipo de avião com propulsão elétrica at Inovação Tecnológica.
- Finep anuncia plataforma de conectividade e negócios at Inovação Tecnológica.
- Chip para internet das coisas agora tem tudo que precisa at Inovação Tecnológica.
- 10 palavras que significam coisas diferentes para os cientistas at Inovação Tecnológica.
- Tijolos vivos prometem casas que se regeneraem na paisagem at Inovação Tecnológica.
- What is Hidden in the Hidden Markov Model? by Vimarsh Karbhari
at Acing AI. - What is ROC? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
- What is AUC? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
- How to evaluate ML models using confusion matrix? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
- Several posts on Data Science job interviews at famous companies such as JP Morgan, Quora, Oracle, Twitch, Spotify, Airbnb and so many others at Acing AI.
- How to evaluate regression models? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
- MAE and RMSE — Which Metric is Better? by JJ at Human in a Machine World.
- What is better- a Type I or a Type II error? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
- What is the simplest way to prevent Overfitting? by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
- Interview Guide to Probability Distributions by Vimarsh Karbhari at Acing AI.
- Can You Solve This Facebook Interview Question? Facebook Raining In Seattle Probability at Mind Your Own Decisions.
- Solving Facebook’s Tricky Raining In Seattle Interview Question at MindYourDecisions‘ YouTube channel.
Positions available
- Post-doctoral opportunities at Technische Universität Berlin.
- Associate Professorships in Systems Biology and Cancer Biology at the University of Pavia.
- Research Fellow: Single Cell Analysis of Decision-making in Development at the University College London.
- Data Engineer at olist.
- Engenharia de Dados at BTG Pactual.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Hariken.
- Desenvolvedor Backend at Hariken.
- Data Engineer at marche.
- Especialista em BI at Youse.
- Data Science Engineer at Loadsmart.
- Estagiário em Inteligência de Mercado (Business Intelligence) at Eduqo.
- Cientista de Dados (Campinas) at Programmer’s Beyond It.
- Analista de Dados Jr. at tembici.
- Estágio Data Analytics at tembici.
- Research Associate in Reinforcement Learning at the University of Oxford.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Machine Learning for Mental Health Care Technology at the University of Oslo.
- Ph.D. fellowship in artificial intelligence at the University of Ghent.
- Postdoctoral Position (two years) in Optimization for Statistical Learning at the University of Umea.
- Postdoctoral Position (two years) in Statistical Learning with Sparsity at the University of Umea.
- Ph.D. position in Artificial Intelligence at Lund University.
- Several jobs and Ph.D. opportunities in Artificial Intelligence at the Human-Centered AI Lab (Holzinger Group).
- Ph.D. Fellowship in Numerical Analysis at Lund University.
- Ph.D. Fellowship in Spiking neural architectures for speech prosody at Indiap.
- Postdoctoral Position in Stochastic Traffic Networks at Chalmers University of Technology.
- Ph.D. Research Fellow in ICT – Smart Sensing and Communications for UAVs at Universitetet i Agder.
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Applied Machine Learning at the University of Oxford.
- Ph.D. fellow in Theoretical Machine Learning at the University of Copenhagen.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Machine Learning for Mental Health Care Technology at the Universitetet i Oslo.
- One Ph.D. and one Postdoctoral/Researcher Fellowship in Reducing Vulnerability Regarding (Healthcare) Robotics (3 and 4 years, resp.) in Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo, Norway.
- Postdoctoral Scholar – Research Associate position at USC.
- Senior Quantitative Researcher (Stats, Machine Learning, Python/R) at Yelp.