
Best links of the week #58

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best links of the week from 24th February to 1st March

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  1. Architects of Intelligence: The truth about AI from the people building it (Interview with Judea Pearl).
  2. Git Command Explorer.
  3. Git Cheat Sheet by Git Tower.
  4. Asymptotic normality and Central Limit Theorem at Stack Exchange (Mathematics).
  5. Asymptotic theory (statistics) at Wikipedia.
  6. Get Started with DVC at DVC.
  7. Introduction to Data Version Control(DVC) by Kurian Benoy at Kaggle.
  8. The most important formula in data science was first used to prove the existence of God at QUARTZ.
  9. Difference between R MarkDown and R NoteBook at Stack Overflow.
  10. A group of ex-NSA and Amazon engineers are building a ‘GitHub for data’ at TechCrunch.
  11. A saga do herói… ou melhor, do software! by Bruna Diirr at Portal Deviante.
  12. A saga do herói… Ou melhor, do software! – Capítulo 1: Levantamento de requisitos by Bruna Diirr at Portal Deviante.
  13. A saga do herói… Ou melhor, do software! – Capítulo 2: Análise by Bruna Diirr at Portal Deviante.
  14. Processos de software by Bruna Diirr at Portal Deviante.
  15. Somos todos conscientes? O alvorecer da consciência com a destruição da mente bicameral by Felipe Novaes at Portal Deviante.
  16. Atacando a ciência, por lucro ou diversão: as armas mais comuns at Revista Questão de Ciência.

Blog posts

  1. The Causal Analysis of Cannibalization in Online Products by Xuan Yin and Ercan Yildiz at Code as Craft.
  2. R code and reproducible model development with DVC at DVC Blog.
  3. Best practices of orchestrating Python and R code in ML projects at DVC Blog.
  4. Using DVC to create an efficient version control system for data projects by Basile Guerrapin at Qonto Engineering,
  5. Why Applied Machine Learning Is Hard at Machine Learning Mastery.


  1. Machine learning model and dataset versioning practices by Dmitry Petrov at PyCon 2019 Youtube channel.

Positions available

  1. Cientista de Dados at PEBMED.
  2. Cientista de Dados / Engenheiro de Dados at Sympla.
  3. Data Scientist at Trio.
  4. Analista de BI (Pleno) at Data Sprints.
  5. Engenharia de Dados (Pleno/Sênior) at Data Sprints.
  6. Ph.D. position in scalable optimization for machine learning at KTH.
  7. Multiple (1, 2, 3 and 4) Ph.D. Positions in the Machine Learning group at The University of Sheffield.
  8. Ph.D. positions in Machine Reasoning and Learning at Örebro University.
  9. Ph.D. position in Data-Driven (Bayesian) Optimization for Problems with Dynamic Resource Constraints at the University of Manchester.
  10. Ph.D. position interactive collaborative constrained clustering for remote sensing time series analysis at Université de Strasbourg.
  11. Four Ph.D. positions at UAM.
  12. Analista de Business Intelligence at Inlog.
  13. Cientista de Dados at Propz.
  14. Scrum Master DS at Propz.
  15. Pessoa Engenheira de DevOps AWS at Méliuz.
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