
Best links of the week #60

Reading time: 3 minutes

Best links of the week from 9th March to 15th March

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  1. Testes Diagnósticos (Bioestatística) at Prof. Dr. Enrico Colosimo personal website.
  2. Bayes’ Rule for Clinicians: An Introduction published in Frontiers in Psychology.
  3. Zencastr: High fidelity podcasting.
  4. Do you (want to) use RAIS, the Brazilian matched employer-employee dataset? Let me save you some months of painful data cleaning work.
  5. Extrator de dados históricos do coronavírus no Brasil.
  6. Projetos com dados abertos no Github.
  7. Quer acessar dados do INEP, mas não sabe como?
  8. Visualizing the History of Pandemics.
  9. COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19).
  10. Modeling COVID-19 Spread vs Healthcare Capacity.
  11. Tech4Covid19: em 48 horas, 600 portugueses juntaram-se para criar 12 ferramentas contra o coronavírus.
  12. slide transitions for xaringan.
  13. What Great Data Analysts Do — and Why Every Organization Needs Them at Harvard Business Review.

Blog posts

  1. Why not to use two axes, and what to use instead at Chartable.
  2. #FlattenTheCurve at Chartable.
  3. 17 responsible live visualizations about the coronavirus, for you to use at Chartable.
  4. It is not the number of cases and deaths that matters. It is their growth rate that matters at Max Roser’s Twitter.
  5. Turning Vim Into An R IDE by Kade Killary at freeCodeCamp.
  6. 10 essential Vim plugins for 2018 at Alex Hunt’s Medium.
  7. Data-Driven? Think again by Cassie Kozyrkov at Hacker Noon.
  8. Don’t waste your time on statistics by Cassie Kozyrkov at Towards Data Science.
  9. Statistics for people in a hurry by Cassie Kozyrkov at Towards Data Science.
  10. Explaining p-values with puppies by Cassie Kozyrkov at Hacker Noon.

Podcast episodes

  1. A Matemática do COVID-19 – 16 Coronian (Spin #855 – 14/03/20).


  1. Exercício 12 – Probabilidade – falso positivo e falso negativo (Resolução – VUNESP) at Professor Guru’s YouTube channel.
  2. #25 – Exemplo 18 – Árvore de Probabilidades at Professor Guru’s YouTube channel.
  3. #27 – Exemplo 20 – Árvore de Probabilidades para eventos independentes at Professor Guru’s YouTube channel.
  4. Exercício 32 – árvore de probabilidades at Professor Guru’s YouTube channel.
  5. Exercício 51 – Probabilidade – eventos dependentes – árvore de probabilidades | Resolução at Professor Guru’s YouTube channel.
  6. Exercício 52 – Probabilidade – eventos dependentes – árvore de probabilidades | Resolução at Professor Guru’s YouTube channel.
  7. Exercício 06 – Probabilidade de faltar dinheiro | Distribuição Normal at Professor Guru’s YouTube channel.

Positions available

  1. Ph.D. Scholarship in Computer and Systems Sciences AI in Education at Stockholm University.
  2. Research Associate/Software Developer Position (Computer Vision) at RISE UP.
  3. Research Faculty (open-world learning for object classification and detection) at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
  4. Research Fellow in Natural Language Processing at the University of Melbourne.
  5. Fairness and Bias in Natural Language Processing – Graduate Research Expression of Interest at the University of Melbourne.
  6. 2 Ph.D. scholarships in the area of Bias in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Pisa.
  7. Ph.D. scholarships in Data Science and Systems Complexity at the University of Groningen.
  8. 2 Open Positions for Early-Stage Researchers Pursuing PhDs in the Area of Artificial Intelligence without Bias at the University fo Southampton.
  9. Professorship in Tracking e re-identification of persons for reconfiguration of a fleet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at l’Università Degli Studi di Udine.
  10. Senior NLP Scientist at Amazon.
  11. Research Assistant/Associate in Stochastic Modelling of Urban Structures at the University of Cambridge.
  12. Postdoctoral Researcher in Deep Learning for Time Series at ETH Zürich.
  13. Ph.D. fellowship (Integrating remote sensing and civil engineering for intelligent infrastructure monitoring) at the University of Cambridge.
  14. Data Engineer at Catho.
  15. Analista de Business Intelligence at Colab.
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