Best links of the week from 6th April to 12th April

- dsman: a Data Science Manager for the command line.
- The social distancing of America at Reuters.
- Evolution of deaths by COVID-19 since the first death and simulations at Alexandre Patriota’s GitHub.
Blog posts
- Build Your First pip Package at DZone.
- Dataviz and the 20th Anniversary of R, an Interview With Hadley Wickham at Nightingale.
- Raspando Dados de Anúncios do Mercado Livre com Beautiful Soup at Lincoln Menezes‘s Medium.
- Livros Gratuitos em Computação at lucasbf‘s GitHub.
- Are you still not using Version Control for Data? at Towards Data Science.
- All models are wrong, but some are completely wrong at RSS Data Science Section Blog.
- Reimagining DevOps at DVC Blog.
- April ’20 DVC❤️Heartbeat at DVC Blog.
- Levantamento e Análise de Dados numa Obra de Pequeno/Médio porte at Portal Deviante.
- É possível uma atualização automática de artigos da Wikipedia? at Spin de Notícias.
- Todos nós devemos usar máscaras caseiras? at Spin de Notícias.
- Simulação de transportes e a disseminação do Coronavírus at Spin de Notícias.
Positions available
- Software Engineer at Lopes.
- Data Engineer at Lopes.
- Analista de Dados Pleno at PicPay.
- Senior Data Engineer at Glovo.
- Analista de Big Data Sênior at Dextra.
- Analista de Dados Sênior at Dextra.
- Ph.D. position on Accelerating motor learning with computational scaffolding at Tel Aviv University.
- Ph.D. studentships (Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics) at the City University of London.
- Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning & Data Science at the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab.
- 2 Ph.D. positions in the area of Bias in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Pisa.
- Deep Learning Engineer – Tensorflow/Python at Nicoll Curtin.
- Data Sciences Specialist at Danone.
- Data Scientist at Altran.
- Maths Algo Research Position at Nokia.