
Best links of the week #64

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best links of the week from 6th April to 12th April

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  1. dsman: a Data Science Manager for the command line.
  2. The social distancing of America at Reuters.
  3. Evolution of deaths by COVID-19 since the first death and simulations at Alexandre Patriota’s GitHub.

Blog posts

  1. Build Your First pip Package at DZone.
  2. Dataviz and the 20th Anniversary of R, an Interview With Hadley Wickham at Nightingale.
  3. Raspando Dados de Anúncios do Mercado Livre com Beautiful Soup at Lincoln Menezes‘s Medium.
  4. Livros Gratuitos em Computação at lucasbf‘s GitHub.
  5. Are you still not using Version Control for Data? at Towards Data Science.
  6. All models are wrong, but some are completely wrong at RSS Data Science Section Blog.
  7. Reimagining DevOps at DVC Blog.
  8. April ’20 DVC❤️Heartbeat at DVC Blog.
  9. Levantamento e Análise de Dados numa Obra de Pequeno/Médio porte at Portal Deviante.


  1. É possível uma atualização automática de artigos da Wikipedia? at Spin de Notícias.
  2. Todos nós devemos usar máscaras caseiras? at Spin de Notícias.
  3. Simulação de transportes e a disseminação do Coronavírus at Spin de Notícias.


  1. Richard Dawkins: Evolution, Intelligence, Simulation, and Memes at AI Podcast.

Positions available

  1. Software Engineer at Lopes.
  2. Data Engineer at Lopes.
  3. Analista de Dados Pleno at PicPay.
  4. Senior Data Engineer at Glovo.
  5. Analista de Big Data Sênior at Dextra.
  6. Analista de Dados Sênior at Dextra.
  7. Ph.D. position on Accelerating motor learning with computational scaffolding at Tel Aviv University.
  8. Ph.D. studentships (Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics) at the City University of London.
  9. Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning & Data Science at the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab.
  10. 2 Ph.D. positions in the area of Bias in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Pisa.
  11. Deep Learning Engineer – Tensorflow/Python at Nicoll Curtin.
  12. Data Sciences Specialist at Danone.
  13. Data Scientist at Altran.
  14. Maths Algo Research Position at Nokia.