Best links of the week #63

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best links of the week from 30th March to 5th April

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  1. MonitoraCovid-19 at Big Data Fiocruz.
  2. Livros Gratuitos da Springer at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
  3. Painel de Leitos e Insumos dos estados brasileiros.
  4. See how your community is moving around differently due to COVID-19.
  5. Data extraction of Google’s COVID-19 Mobility Reports at vitorbaptista’s GitHub.

Blog posts

  1. Merging Two Git Repositories Into One Repository Without Losing File History at SaintGimp.
  2. Sistema imunológico e COVID-19 at Portal Deviante.
  3. Which Patients are in Greater Need: A counterfactual analysis with reflections on COVID-19 at Causal Analysis in Theory and Practice’s Blog.
  4. Análise dos Dados de Coronavírus do Hospital Albert Einstein: 90% de Acurácia e Porque isso é Ruim at Marcus Nunes’ Blog.
  5. Data Science projects management methodologies by Felipe Sanchez at Towards Data Science.
  6. What Project Management Tools to Use for Data Science Projects by Andrew Stepanov at Towards Data Science.
  7. Project Management in Data Science by Kathrin Verestoun at Towards Data Science.
  8. Mobility and COVID-19 cases. Did Brazil stop? (Portuguese version here) by me 🙂 at The Dataist Storyteller.
  9. Informações de localização de celulares ajudam a medir o isolamento social no RN at Demografia UFRN.
  10. Analysis and Mining of COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports at Ivanovitchm’s GitHub.
  11. Shortcuts stop working when Opera is running by me 🙂 at The Dataist Storyteller.


  1. O que são ensaios clínicos randomizados? (Spin #875).


  1. Alternativas Open Source dos seus Aplicativos favoritos at Filipe Deschamps‘s YouTube channel.

Positions available

  1. Engenharia de Dados [Sênior] at Data Sprints.
  2. Gerente de Dados at Olist.
  3. Analista Business Intelligence at Quero.
  4. Tenure Track position in Computational Biology at the Center for Computational Biology (Mines ParisTech).
  5. Data Scientist at Plusdin.
  6. Engenheir@ de Dados Sênior at Tembici.
  7. Cientista de dados at B2W Digital.
  8. Data Scientist – Advanced Analytics at IBM.
  9. Full Research Professorship (tenured) of Data Science and Knowledge Media at Tübingen University.
  10. Research associate positions in ML/DS at U. Laval.
  11. Ph.D. positions in Natural Language Processing at ITU Copenhagen.
  12. 1 Postdoctoral on Bias and Fairness in NLP at Melbourne University.
  13. 2 Ph.D. positions on Bias and Fairness in NLP at Melbourne University.
  14. Ph.D. position on Large scale inverse problems on dynamic graphs at INRIA Lille.
  15. Ph.D. position on data mining for health at Halmstad University.
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