
Best links of the week #73

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best links of the week from 6th July to 19th July

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  1. Left-hand & right-hand side nomenclature in regression models at Cross Validated.
  2. Scientists invite 4,000 music fans to a live concert to assess spread of coronavirus at Classic FM.
  3. Solicitando dados via lei de acesso a informação at Escola de Dados.
  4. Doctor Penguin: Catch the Latest AI+Healthcare Research.
  5. R Weekly.

Blog posts

  1. The Difference between Linear and Nonlinear Regression Models at Statistics By Jim.
  2. Multicollinearity in Regression Analysis: Problems, Detection, and Solutions at Statistics By Jim.
  3. How To Interpret R-squared in Regression Analysis at Statistics By Jim.
  4. Check Your Residual Plots to Ensure Trustworthy Regression Results! at Statistics By Jim.
  5. Standard Error of the Regression vs. R-squared at Statistics By Jim.
  6. R-squared Is Not Valid for Nonlinear Regression at Statistics By Jim.
  7. How to Choose Between Linear and Nonlinear Regression at Statistics By Jim.
  8. Heteroscedasticity in Regression Analysis at Statistics By Jim.

Positions available

  1. Ph.D. fellowship in Molecular Biology at University of Oxford.
  2. Engenheiro(a) de Dados at Olist.
  3. Researcher Specialist (Data Engineer) at Samsung Electronics.
  4. Digital CX Manager at Indigo.
  5. Cientistas de Dados Pleno at DataSprints.
  6. Engenharia de Dados [Pleno e Sênior] at DataSprints.
  7. Analista de BI Pleno/Senior at WinSocial.
  8. Data Scientist at dextra.
  9. Sr. Customer Delivery Architect for Data & Analytics at Amazon.
  10. Engenheiro(a) de Dados at HBSIS.
  11. Cientista de Dados (NLP) at Itaú.
  12. Data Scientist at Inovation IT Premium Outsourcing.
  13. Data Scientist Scholarship (TT-5) at FAPESP.
  14. Data Scientist Scholarship (TT-4A) at FAPESP.
  15. Data Scientist Scholarship (TT-4) at FAPESP.
  16. Data Scientist Scholarship (TT-3) at FAPESP.
  17. Cientista de Dados at Leega Consultoria.
  18. Desenvolvedor Sênior/Engenheiro de Dados at GAVB.
  19. Experienced Software/Data Engineer at Datopian.
  20. Analista de Dados – Sênior at Ipê Holding.