
Best links of the week #80

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best links of the week from 28th September to 11th October

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  1. COVID-19 Monitor in English local authorities at Trafford Data Lab (More here).
  2. Replication code in R for the book “Casual Inference: The Mixtape” by Scott Cunningham at Jake Johnson’s GitHub.

Blog posts

  1. Disproved Discoveries That Won Nobel Prizes at Real Clear Science.
  2. Causal Inference 2: Illustrating Interventions via a Toy Example at inFERENCe.
  3. Causal Inference 3: Counterfactuals at inFERENCe.


  1. Are you Bayesian or Frequentist? at Cassie Kozyrkov’s YouTube channel.
  2. Tipos de Dados – Estatística at A Ciência da Estatística (YouTube channel).
  3. Versioning Data with DVC (Hands-On Tutorial!) at DVCorg’s YouTube channel.
  4. Centralized & Scale Free Networks at Systems Innovation (YouTube channel).
  5. Decentralized & Small World Networks at Systems Innovation (YouTube channel).
  6. Network Centrality at Systems Innovation (YouTube channel).
  7. Random & Distributed Graphs at Systems Innovation (YouTube channel).

Positions available

  1. Assistant/Associate Professor in Life Sciences at Harvard Medical School.
  2. Data Analyst at Tembici.
  3. Engenheiro de Analytics at KaBuM.
  4. Engenheir@ de Dados II at Tapps Games.
  5. Engenheir@ de Dados III at Tapps Games.
  6. Data Analyst III at Tapps Games.
  7. Pessoa Engenheira de Dados at MAGRATHEA.
  8. Analista de Dados SR (Data Engineer) at MadeiraMadeira.
  9. Engenheiro de Dados Sênior at Gateware IT.
  10. Intern, Data Science at Brookfield.
  11. Data Science | Machine Learning Engineer at Hurb.
  12. Machine Learning Engineer at BlueOrange.
  13. Head of Data Engineering at Z-Tech Brasil.
  14. Engenheiro de Dados at Eldorado.
  15. Analista de Dados at Upnid.
  16. Especialistas em dados abertos at UNESCO.
  17. Cientista de dados at Hospital Albert Einstein.
  18. Engenheiro de Dados at Raízen.
  19. Cientista de Dados at Raízen.
  20. Data Science Intern at Talentify.
  21. Data Architect / Engineer at Senior.
  22. Especialista em Machine Learning  at Lenscope.
  23. Software Engineer at University of Nottingham.