Best links of the week from 28th September to 11th October

- COVID-19 Monitor in English local authorities at Trafford Data Lab (More here).
- Replication code in R for the book “Casual Inference: The Mixtape” by Scott Cunningham at Jake Johnson’s GitHub.
Blog posts
- Disproved Discoveries That Won Nobel Prizes at Real Clear Science.
- Causal Inference 2: Illustrating Interventions via a Toy Example at inFERENCe.
- Causal Inference 3: Counterfactuals at inFERENCe.
- Are you Bayesian or Frequentist? at Cassie Kozyrkov’s YouTube channel.
- Tipos de Dados – Estatística at A Ciência da Estatística (YouTube channel).
- Versioning Data with DVC (Hands-On Tutorial!) at DVCorg’s YouTube channel.
- Centralized & Scale Free Networks at Systems Innovation (YouTube channel).
- Decentralized & Small World Networks at Systems Innovation (YouTube channel).
- Network Centrality at Systems Innovation (YouTube channel).
- Random & Distributed Graphs at Systems Innovation (YouTube channel).
Positions available
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Life Sciences at Harvard Medical School.
- Data Analyst at Tembici.
- Engenheiro de Analytics at KaBuM.
- Engenheir@ de Dados II at Tapps Games.
- Engenheir@ de Dados III at Tapps Games.
- Data Analyst III at Tapps Games.
- Pessoa Engenheira de Dados at MAGRATHEA.
- Analista de Dados SR (Data Engineer) at MadeiraMadeira.
- Engenheiro de Dados Sênior at Gateware IT.
- Intern, Data Science at Brookfield.
- Data Science | Machine Learning Engineer at Hurb.
- Machine Learning Engineer at BlueOrange.
- Head of Data Engineering at Z-Tech Brasil.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Eldorado.
- Analista de Dados at Upnid.
- Especialistas em dados abertos at UNESCO.
- Cientista de dados at Hospital Albert Einstein.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Raízen.
- Cientista de Dados at Raízen.
- Data Science Intern at Talentify.
- Data Architect / Engineer at Senior.
- Especialista em Machine Learning at Lenscope.
- Software Engineer at University of Nottingham.