Best links of the week from April 20th to August 1st (sorry for the delay đ )

- What is the difference between beta and correlation coefficient? at Quora.
- Is linear regression obsolete? at Cross Validated.
- Are linear models still useful at all? at r/datascience.
- Why Momentum Really Works at Distill.
- Who Learns Better Bayesian Network Structures: Constraint-Based, Score-based or Hybrid Algorithms?.
- Interpretable Machine Learning: A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable (with even a cool session on Shapley values).
- The Open-Source Movement Comes to Medical Datasets at Stanford HAI.
Blog posts
- How, When, and Why Should You Normalize / Standardize / Rescale Your Data? at Towards AI.
- Gentle Introduction to Vector Norms in Machine Learning at Machine Learning Mastery.
- Taleb is wrong about IQ at jsmp’s blog.
- Ergodicity: A Simple Explanation of Ergodic vs. Non-ergodic Systems at Taylor Pearson’s blog.
- O que os dados de votos na cĂąmara falam sobre os deputados federais? (depois de 2 anos de mandato) at Caio Caminoski’s LinkedIn Profile.
- Top 10 Ideas in Statistics That Have Powered the AI Revolution at Andrew Gelman’s Blog.
- Why convexity is the key to optimization by NVS Yashwanth at Towards Data Science.
- RevisĂŁo por pares: ruim com ela, pior sem ela at CiĂȘncia Fundamental.
- Introducing the do-sampler for causal inference by Adam Kelleher and Amit Sharma at Adam Kelleher‘s Medium.
- The Data Processing Inequality at Adam Kelleher‘s Medium.
- What do AB tests actually measure? at Adam Kelleher‘s Medium.
- Erro de medida e âatenuaçãoâ dos efeitos estimados at AnĂĄlise Real.
- Andrew Gelman was interviewed here about a comment he submitted to Nature and was in the link above.
- MINI-LESSON: Breaking down intuitively the concept of standard deviation. Why people don’t get it at N N Talebâs Probability Moocs (YouTube Channel).
- MINI LESSON: Correlation, the intuition. Doesn’t mean what people usually think it means at N N Talebâs Probability Moocs (YouTube Channel).
- Intransitivity of correlation, another mistake in psychoBS at N N Talebâs Probability Moocs (YouTube Channel).
- Medidas de ASSIMETRIA: Para que servem e como calculĂĄ-las? – NoçÔes de EstatĂstica #9 at A CiĂȘncia da EstatĂstica.
- Quais sĂŁo as principais medidas de DISPERSĂO? – NoçÔes de EstatĂstica #6 at A CiĂȘncia da EstatĂstica.
- Coeficiente de CURTOSE: para que serve e como calculĂĄ-lo? NoçÔes de EstatĂstica #10 at A CiĂȘncia da EstatĂstica.
- Regression: Homoscedasticity (Every observed value has a friend) Playlist 1 at The Essence of Regression.
- Testing the Homoscedasticity and Linearity Assumptions (Playlist 1) at The Essence of Regression.
- Multicollinearity (Playlist 1) at The Essence of Regression.
- Causalidade de Granger: ovo, galinha e causalidade at Prof. Diogenes S. BIDO’s YouTube Channel.
- Videos about correlation [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9] at Prof. Diogenes S. BIDO’s YouTube Channel.
Positions available
- Senior Data Architect at Amazon.
- Machine Learning Engineer at Amazon.
- Data Analyst at Renner.
- Analista BI Funcional – Full time at
- Business Analytics (Revenue Squad) at Petlove.
- Pessoa Engenheira de Dados SĂȘnior at Petlove.
- Data Science Lead at creditas.
- Cientista de Dados SĂȘnior at Gupy Tech.
- Pessoa Engenheira de Dados JĂșnior/Pleno at magnetis.
- Analista de Dados SĂȘnior (Vaga Remota) at MĂ©liuz.
- Pessoa Cientista de Dados SĂȘnior (Vaga Remota) at MĂ©liuz.
- Pessoa Engenheira de Dados SĂȘnior ( Vaga Remota) at MĂ©liuz.
- Tech Leader – Estruturação de Dados at Dasa EXP.
- Senior Python Engineer – International Project at Kobe.
- Engenheiro de Dados III at Grupo BoticĂĄrio.
- Data Engineer at Mutual.
- Especialista de Dados at ZĂ© Delivery.
- Analista de Dados at SaĂșde iD.
- Analista de Dados at ASAAS.
- Cientista de Dados SĂȘnior at LogComex.
- Engenheiro de Dados SĂȘnior at LogComex.
- Data Science Specialist at Geração Noverde.
- Sr. Backend Developer at Geração Noverde.
- Engenheiro(a) de Dados SĂȘnior at MAGRATHEA.