Best links of the week from 22nd April to 28th April

- Do more with R: drag-and-drop ggplot at InfoWorld.
- Apart from esquisse, the package mentioned in the link above, there is another one that allows you to drag-and-drop and plot your data: ggplotAssist.
- DreamRs is a French R consulting firm. In their website, they have made publicly available some shiny apps on real data, such as RATP traffic and a GitHub dashboard.
- VCs just invested $8 million into this startup that gave away its software for free because they noticed how much people loved it!
- Cheat Sheets for several softwares and concepts related to Data Science at Asif Bhat GitHub.
- Data Science must read articles, tutorials and useful links at Asif Bhat GitHub.
- Math required for Data Science at Asif Bhat GitHub.
- Quick overview of Statistics for Biologists (it’s useful for pretty much everybody, you don’t say no to an offer of knowledge :-).
- How can I show the intermediate steps of a long routine in R? at StackOverflow.
- ‘Friendly’ reviewers rate grant applications more highly at Nature.
- Calm down, everyone. Keeping dead pig cells alive is not ‘brain resuscitation’ at Los Angeles Times.
- Uber is sharing publicly some data!
- Need help on choosing the right visualization method? From data-to-viz can help you!
- IBM releases Diversity in Faces, a dataset with over 1 million annotated images to help fight bias at Turing Tribe.
- Até 2030, AI contribuirá em mais de US$ 15,7 trilhões para economia global at Computer World.
- A extraordinária cientista que estudou o cérebro de Einstein e revolucionou a neurociência moderna at Época Negócios.
- TerraBrasilis, a open access public geographical data for environmental monitoring.
- Keep Google’s hands off your cash with a cost effective approach to BigQuery at Scott Edenbaum’s LinkedIn.
- RStudio’s multiple cursors rule! by Hello, world!My name is Justin at R-bloggers.
- Who knew about radiation sickness, and when? at The Nuclear Secrecy Blog.
- The most desired skill in data science at KDnuggets.
- Projects to Include in a Data Science Portfolio at KDnuggets.
- Estágio em Ciência de Dados na saúde com Python at Fabiano Filho’s Medium.
- O Princípio de Peter by Pedro Carboni at New Order Medium.
- Quem tem medo de virar cientista de dados? (1/3) by Gustavo Coelho at Data Bootcamp.
- Quem tem medo de virar cientista de dados? (2/3) by Leticia Portella at Pizza de Dados Medium.
- Conquiste seu primeiro emprego em Data Science at Jones Madruga’s Medium
- 5 Tips For Getting A Data Science Job at Joma Tech YouTube channel.
- 15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! at TopThink YouTube channel.
- Qualquer Caminho Escolhido Será Difícil at Saber Filosófico YouTube channel.
- O poder de desafiar o não (TEDx São Paulo) by Joana Felix at TEDx Talks.
Positions available
- Engenheiro de Dados at PlayKids.
- Senior Software Developer at Bold Commerce.
- VP of Software Technologies (Software Eng + AI) at ETQ Labs.
- Software Engineer (AI) at Facebook.
- Software Engineer, PhD, University Graduate (2019) at Google.
- Researcher / Data Scientist at Hitachi Europe.
- Research Software Engineer in Data Science at Uber.
- Data/Software Engineer (H/F) at Trade Lab.
- Big Data – Cloudera / Qlik Sense at Beijaflore Brasil.
- Consultor Big Data – SCALA at Beijaflore Brasil.
- Engenheiro(a) de Dados at Conta Azul.
- Data Engineer at Amazon.
- Data Engineer at QuintoAndar.
- Lead of Data Analytics at QuintoAndar.
- Data & Analytics at QuintoAndar.
- ANL. Cientista de Dados Sr. at UOL.
- Analista de Dados (Data Analytics) at Afilio S.A.