Best links of the week from 29nd April to 5th May

- This Will Be The Biggest Disruption In Higher Education at Forbes.
- Dead Facebook users could outnumber living ones within 50 years at MIT Technology Review.
- To Build Truly Intelligent Machines, Teach Them Cause and Effect at QuantaMagazine.
- The Worlds largest listings of AI Conferences, Events and Meetups with the biggest collection of conference discount codes.
- 2nd International Summer School on Artificial Intelligence: From Deep Learning to Data Analytics.
- Microsoft launches a drag-and-drop machine learning tool at TechCrunch.
- Actively curated list of awesome BI tools at Jan Kyri’s GitHub.
- How much of human height is genetic and how much is due to nutrition at Scientific American.
- Announcing JupyterHub 1.0!
- I hate it that sometimes Jupyter notebooks don’t render properly (or take a long time to render) at GitHub. If you’ve faced similar situations, your solution is here!
- Cryptography That Can’t Be Hacked at QuantaMagazine.
- Hacker-Proof Code Confirmed at QuantaMagazine.
- “PUT DOWN THE DEEP LEARNING: When not to use neural networks (and what to do instead)”, a talk by Rachael Tatman. Code here.
- Socially-Stratified Validation for ML Fairness, another talk by Rachael Tatman.
- Google Books Ngram Viewer is a tool that displays a graph showing how phrases specified by you have occurred in a corpus of books through time.
- Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy at Wait But Why.
- Looking for data? You mean data? DATA? Yes, data, data and data!!
- Becoming a Data Scientist – Curriculum via Metromap at nirvacana.
- Demystifying Artificial Intelligence. What is Artificial Intelligence & explaining it from different dimensions at nirvacana.
- The weakening relationship between the Impact Factor and papers’ citations in the digital age at
- Visualização GeoEspacial com R at Gabriel Sartori’s GitHub.
- Don’t Put Too Much Meaning Into Control Variables at Paul Hünermund Blog.
- No Free Lunch in Causal Inference at Paul Hünermund Blog.
- Graphs and Occam’s Razor at Paul Hünermund Blog.
- Stocking your shop with Data Science at Riot Games Techblog.
- Brief History of Neural Networks at Kate Strachnyi Medium.
- Datasets for data cleaning practice at Making Noise & Hearing Things.
- Parity in Utility: One way to think about fairness in machine learning tools at Making Noise & Hearing Things.
- Tidying the Australian Same Sex Marriage Postal Survey Data with R at Miles McBain Medium.
- Dealing with Rejection at Niklas Elmqvist’s Blog.
- Regression Model Validation: Cross-Validation Essentials in R by kassambara at STHDA.
- O dia que a Receita nos mandou pagar R$ 500 mil para ter dados públicos at Pedro Vila Nova Medium.
Positions available
- Trainee – Big Data & BI at Hitss do Brasil Serviços Tecnológicos LTDA.
- Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning in Computational Biology at Broad Institute of Harvard/MIT.
- Postdoctoral position in machine learning at the University of Bergen.
- Especialista em BI at TRACK&FIELD.
- Pessoa engenheira de Dados (Pleno) at Magnetis.
- Doctoral/Postdoctoral Position for Google Focused Research Award in Conversational AI at the Statistical Natural Language Processing Lab at the Department of Computational Linguistics at Heidelberg University.
- Analista de Dados at Yandeh/Alpe.
- 3 year PhD position in Deep Learning for Text Analytics at University of Essex.
- 5 PhDs for INTO-PROT: Improving proton therapy in brain, head and neck cancer at several different universities in the Netherlands.
- Data Scientist at Braskem.
- Two-year funded postdoc position in machine learning (Bayesian deep learnig) in Toulouse.
- Two-year funded postdoc position in machine learning (Multimodal data processing for multimedia artistic creation) in Toulouse.
- Two-year funded postdoc position in machine learning/signal in Toulouse.