BestLinks, Data Science, R

Best links of the week #20

Reading time: < 1 minute

Best links of the week from 20th May to 26th May


  1. UN (United Nations) data.
  2. A curated list of 200+ blogs related to Data Science at CybrHome.
  3. 25 Excellent Machine Learning Open Datasets.
  4. Group Chats Are Making the Internet Fun Again at Intelligencer.
  5. Do anything with dplyr.
  6. Starting out with R at Credibly Curious.


  1. Ordering categories within ggplot2 facets at BLOGR.
  2. Label line ends in time series with ggplot2 at BLOGR.
  3. Exploring correlations in R with corrr at BLOGR.
  4. rearrange() your correlations with corrr at BLOGR.
  5. Some tricks on dplyr::filter at Sebastian Sauer Stats Blog.
  6. How to mutate all columns of a data frame at Data se.
  7. How to add code highlighting in Medium articles without leaving the editor at Manuel Dell’Elce Medium.
  8. How, When and Why Should You Normalize / Standardize / Rescale Your Data? at Swetha Lakshmanan Medium.
  9. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Feature Extraction at MLWhiz.
  10. Web Scraping, visualização de dados com R e os decretos do Bolsonaro at here :-).


  1. How AI will liberate doctors from keyboards and basements by Eric Topol at Big Think.


  1. Concurso de universidade seleciona sociopatas, diz youtuber Pirula at podcast Ilustríssima Conversa da Folha.

Positions available

  1. Analista de Business Intelligence (Prevenção a Fraudes) at iFood.
  2. Analista de Dados at Grupo ZAP.
  3. Estágio em Data Analytics at Quinto Andar.
  4. Cientista de Dados at Ambev.
  5. Engenheiro(a) de Dados at Conta Azul.
  6. Data Scientist at Creditas.
  7. Engenheiro de Software Python at N2B.
  8. Engenheir@ de Dados at Social Miner.
  9. Desenvolvedor de Inteligência Artificial at Grupo Educacional Unis.