Best links of the week from 20th May to 26th May

- UN (United Nations) data.
- A curated list of 200+ blogs related to Data Science at CybrHome.
- 25 Excellent Machine Learning Open Datasets.
- Group Chats Are Making the Internet Fun Again at Intelligencer.
- Do anything with dplyr.
- Starting out with R at Credibly Curious.
- Ordering categories within ggplot2 facets at BLOGR.
- Label line ends in time series with ggplot2 at BLOGR.
- Exploring correlations in R with corrr at BLOGR.
- rearrange() your correlations with corrr at BLOGR.
- Some tricks on dplyr::filter at Sebastian Sauer Stats Blog.
- How to mutate all columns of a data frame at Data se.
- How to add code highlighting in Medium articles without leaving the editor at Manuel Dell’Elce Medium.
- How, When and Why Should You Normalize / Standardize / Rescale Your Data? at Swetha Lakshmanan Medium.
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Feature Extraction at MLWhiz.
- Web Scraping, visualização de dados com R e os decretos do Bolsonaro at here :-).
- How AI will liberate doctors from keyboards and basements by Eric Topol at Big Think.
- Concurso de universidade seleciona sociopatas, diz youtuber Pirula at podcast Ilustríssima Conversa da Folha.
Positions available
- Analista de Business Intelligence (Prevenção a Fraudes) at iFood.
- Analista de Dados at Grupo ZAP.
- Estágio em Data Analytics at Quinto Andar.
- Cientista de Dados at Ambev.
- Engenheiro(a) de Dados at Conta Azul.
- Data Scientist at Creditas.
- Engenheiro de Software Python at N2B.
- Engenheir@ de Dados at Social Miner.
- Desenvolvedor de Inteligência Artificial at Grupo Educacional Unis.