Category: R

Best links of the week #76

Reading time: 2 minutes Best links of the week from 24th August to 30th August Links Difference-in-Difference Estimation at Columbia Public Health. Cluster Analysis Using K-Means at Columbia Public Health. Discrete Choice Analysis at Columbia Public Health. Exploratory Factor Analysis at Columbia Public Health. Instrumental Variables at Columbia Public Health. Spline Regression at Columbia Public Health. Principal Components Analysis …

Best links of the week #75

Reading time: 2 minutes Best links of the week from 18th August to 23th August Links Facebook cria IA que acelera em 4 vezes exames de ressonância magnética at Olhar Digital. Quasi experiment at Wikipedia. Internal validity at Wikipedia. External validity at Wikipedia. cmx.js – a library for authoring xkcd-style comixes. Create your own xkcd-style comics using HTML markup. Blog posts …

Best links of the week #63

Reading time: 2 minutes Best links of the week from 30th March to 5th April Links MonitoraCovid-19 at Big Data Fiocruz. Livros Gratuitos da Springer at Marcus Nunes’ Blog. Painel de Leitos e Insumos dos estados brasileiros. See how your community is moving around differently due to COVID-19. Data extraction of Google’s COVID-19 Mobility Reports at vitorbaptista’s GitHub.

Manage your Data Science Project in R

Reading time: 9 minutes DVC is the git equivalent for data and data science pipelines. Along with git and some R technologies such as packrat and RMarkdown you can manage your whole data science project in a very productive way! This post is a tutorial on using all these tools to manage your Data Science project!

Spurious Independence: is it real?

Reading time: 14 minutes First things first: Spurious Dependence Depending on your background, you have already heard of spurious dependence in a way or another. It goes by the names of spurious association, spurious dependence, the famous quote “correlation does not imply causation” and also other versions based on the same idea that you can not say that necessarily …