
Best links of the week #21

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best links of the week from 27th May to 2nd June

Source: Geek Hero Cromic.


  1. Samsung AI Can Turn a Single Portrait Into a Realistic Talking Head at PetaPixel.
  2. Let’s Encrypt (Free Certification Authority) at MLAIT.
  3. Public data from the French government.
  4. Paris opens a data center to control its digital infrastructure.
  5. genderBR is an R package that predicts gender from Brazilian first names using data from the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica’s 2010 Census.
  6. Git Cherry Pick at Atlassian Git Tutorials.
  7. Refs and the Reflog at Atlassian Git Tutorials.
  8. Advanced Git log at Atlassian Git Tutorials.
  9. Merging vs. Rebasing at Atlassian Git Tutorials.
  10. Intro to Cherry Picking with Git at PreviousNext.
  11. O que faz o cientista de dados ser o profissional mais procurado pelos RHs? at StartSe.
  12. 8 habilidades indispensáveis para cientistas de dados at CIO.


  1. Detecting phishing websites using machine learning at Sayak Paul Medium.
  2. How is the Bursting Housing Bubble in Brazil affecting construction companies stocks? at Anderson L. Amaral‘s Medium.
  3. The house always wins : Monte Carlo Simulation by Rohan Joseph at Towards Data Science.
  4. A List of The First Things you Should Learn as an Aspiring Data Scientist at Anderson L. Amaral‘s Medium.
  5. Rowwise operations in dplyr at Sebastian Sauer Stats Blog.
  6. Some thoughts on tidyveal and environments in R at Sebastian Sauer Stats Blog.
  7. Different ways of calculating rowmeans on selected variables in a tidyverse framework at GERT STULP.
  8. Comprar imóvel não vale a pena! by Anderson L. Amaral at Data Hackers.
  9. Classificando Nomes por Gênero Usando Dados Públicos at Brasil.IO.
  10. Acorde Neo… Saia da Matrix. Não há mais empregos! at Nossa Ciência.


  1. Como se Tornar um Cientista de Dados at Mario Filho YouTube channel.

Positions available

  1. Cientista de Dados at DESIGN & PRODUTO & ENGENHARIA.
  2. Data Scientist, Ingénieur R&D en Mathématiques Appliquées at Saint-Gobain.
  3. Engenheiro de Dados at Tembici.
  4. Analista de Modelagem de Dados at Take.
  5. Bot Specialist – Integrador at Hi Platform.
  6. Engenheiro de Dados – Nível Sênior at HrSoul Hunting Relationship.
  7. Analista de Sistemas Pleno at BR Home Centers.
  8. Senior Data Scientist — Marketing Algorithms at TFG Co.
  9. Senior Data Scientist — Product Insights at TFG Co.
  10. Analista de Banco de Dados I at Input Tecnologia.
  11. Analista Big Data at INFOVAGAS.
  12. Marie Curie PhD: Conversational AI for automated digital health counseling at University of Cagliari/Philips.
  13. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis at University of Sheffield
  14. PhD Scholarship Position in Deep Learning and Optimization at Chalmers University of Technology.
  15. MSc+PhD in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence at University of Edinburgh.