Best links of the week from 29th July to 4th August

- Some interesting shiny apps at Tychobra.
- Learn git branching!
- Learn vim.
- rThreeJS R Package.
- Difference Between Covariance and Correlation at Key Differences.
- Variance vs. Covariance: What’s the Difference? at Investopedia.
- Difference Between Correlation and Regression at Key Differences.
- Difference Between Parametric and Nonparametric Test at Key Differences.
- Preferential attachment at Wikipedia.
- Voice automated shiny app (example here) at Yihui Xie’s GitHub.
- Webcam (face) automated shiny app (example here) at Yihui Xie’s GitHub.
- Xaringan (presentation on xaringan here) at Yihui Xie’s GitHub.
- Learn R fast with fasteR!
- We’re told that too much screen time hurts our kids. Where’s the evidence? at The Guardian.
- pagedown: Creating beautiful PDFs with R Markdown and CSS at rstudio::conf 2019 website.
- Por que cientistas precisam ser também bons comunicadores at NEXO Jornal.
- Portugal cria visto especial para atrair profissionais de TI brasileiros at Folha de São Paulo.
- Excel Report Generation with Shiny at Tychobra.
- PowerPoint Report Generation with Shiny at Tychobra.
- Simulating Insurance Claims at Tychobra.
- Machine Learning for Insurance Claims at Tychobra.
- How to build your own Neural Network from scratch in R at Tychobra.
- cheatR: an R package for catching cheaters at Mattan S. Ben-Shachar’s Blog.
- Impressive package for 3D and 4D graph – R software and data visualization at STHDA.
- R for Big Data in One Picture by Vincent Granville at Data Science Central.
- Best solution to a problem: data science versus statistical paradigm by Vincent Granville at Data Science Central.
- Interactive visualization of earthquake using R and Highcharter at Diwash Shrestha Blog.
- The story of Big Data, Data Science & Data Mining by Arya Nalinkumar at Data Science Central.
Scientific Articles
Positions available
- Deep Learning for Computational Imaging Postdoc at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- 2 fully-funded Ph.D. positions in AI, Machine Learning and Robotics for Mental Well Being at Örebro University.
- Machine Learning Research Scientist at arm.
- Open-rank faculty position in Data Science at FGV EMAP.
- Open-rank faculty position in Statistics at FGV EMAP.
- Postdoc position in Machine Learning at the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
- Ph.D. position in Reinforcement Learning at Copenhagen University.
- Ph.D. position in Information Theory at University of Glasgow.
- Postdoctoral Associate in Data Science at New York University.
- Research Engineer or Postdoc F/M on voice privacy at INRIA Center at Nancy.
- Data Engineer at Bcredi.
- Desenvolvedor Python (Time de Dados) at N2B.
- Senior Machine Learning Scientist at CASAFARI.
- Responsable Data Science et AI at BNP Paribas.
- Stage Data Analyst at Le Slip Français.
- Data Science Consultant at Management Solutions.
- Head of Data Science at Osella Technology.
- Data Engineer at happn.
- Lead Data Scientist at PerfectStay.
- Data Scientist at Sanofi.
- Consultant Data Analytics/BI at Gfi Informatique.
- Consultant Data Offerer – Energie & Utilities at Sopra Steria Consulting.
- Post-doctoral position in the Big Data-Scientist Training Enhancement Program at VA BOSTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
- Ph.D. position in Computer Science at Örebro University.
- Analista de Big Data at Mirante Tecnologia.
- Engenheiro de Dados at Leega Consultoria e Informática.
- Engenheiro de Dados Jr./Pl. at Data Sprints.
- Machine Learning Engineer at Social Miner.
- Analista de BI/Tableau at Cunha & Petreche.
- Analista de BI/ETL at Cunha & Petreche.