Best links of the week from 13th January to 19th January

- Mapping China’s Global Development Footprint at aiddata.
- The Professional Data Science Manifesto.
- From Physics to Data Science by Martina Pugliese.
- “You and Your Research” by Richard Hamming at Gabriel Robins‘s website.
- Liverpool are using incredible data science during matches, and effects are extraordinary.
- Koch’s postulates at Wikipedia.
- Dados relativos ao pagamento do Bolsa Família.
- sensemakr R package.
- A visual interpretation of the standard deviation by Fahd Alhazmi at Towards Data Science.
- WTF is a Tensor?!? by Matthew Mayo at KDnuggets.
- Data Wrangling Part 1: Basic to Advanced Ways to Select Columns at Suzan Baert’s Blog.
- Data Wrangling Part 2: Transforming your columns into the right shape at Suzan Baert’s Blog.
- Data Wrangling Part 3: Basic and more advanced ways to filter rows at Suzan Baert’s Blog.
- Data Wrangling Part 4: Summarizing and slicing your data at Suzan Baert’s Blog.
- Summary for multiple variables using purrr at Sebastian Sauer’s Blog.
- Learn to purrr at Rebecca Barter’s Blog.
- One-at-a-time Sensitivity Analysis at Doug Mcneall’s Blog.
- Sensitivity Analysis with R at Doug Mcneall’s Blog.
- Pain-free Genome Depth Plotting at OneStop Data Analysis.
- Analise de series temporais at Natan Anael‘s Medium.
- Sobre o “direito” de “tentar qualquer coisa” at Revista Questão de Ciência.
- Aconteceu: Nubank já é maior que Itaú at Lucas Marques‘ LinkedIn.
- Intro to Epidemiology; Cause & effect relationship, multiple causality, correlation & causation at Masaki Moriyama’s YouTube channel.
- A Breakthrough in Graph Theory at Numberphile.
Positions available
- Postdoc / Undergraduate Internships for Bioinformatics and Data Science at Max Planck Institute and NEC Laboratories Europe.
- Doutorado direto em genética molecular com bolsa da FAPESP at IPBEN-Unesp.
- Bridging Excellence Postdoc Program call at EMBL / Stanford.
- Bioinformatician position at MPI of Immunobiology and Epigenetics.
- Group leader opportunities in Systems Biology and Artificial Intelligence at the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI).
- Research fellow in Recommender Systems at UCD.
- Postdoctoral position in Recommender Systems at UCD.
- Research Engineer (Machine Learning) at Accenture Labs Dublin.
- 2 Open Positions for Early-Stage Researchers Pursuing PhDs in the Area of Artificial Intelligence without Bias at the University of Southampton.
- Ph.D. opportunities in Law Ethics / Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin.
- Research Engineer position in NLP at ADAPT Centre.
- Another Research Engineer position in NLP at ADAPT Centre.
- Machine-Learning Software Engineer / Architect for a Recommender-System Spin-Out Company at ADAPT Centre.
- Research Engineer in Visual Data Analytics at ADAPT Centre.
- Research Fellow in Computer Vision & Video Processing at ADAPT Centre.
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