Best links of the week from 17th February to 23rd February

- Luna. A WYSIWYG language for data processing.
- 40 powerful concepts for understanding the world at Gurwinder Bhogal’s Twitter.
- Mathematics for Machine Learning (Book).
- Fairness and machine learning (Book).
- Mathematicians propose new way of using neural networks to work with noisy, high-dimensional data at
- Neuroscience opens the black box of artificial intelligence at TechXplore.
- What are the differences between Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis? at Stack Exchange.
- How does Factor Analysis explain the covariance while PCA explains the variance? at Stack Exchange.
- Overview of Lord’s, Simpson’s and Birth Weight paradox at Michael Clark’s website.
- Em decisão inédita ANVISA libera terapias alterantivas no Brasil.
- “Síndrome do sobrinho” na divulgação científica at Revista Questão de Ciência.
Blog posts
- Causal Impact: state-space models in settings where a randomized experiment is unavailable at Gustavo Millen’s Blog.
- Uber M3 is a Time-Series Database for Massively Scalable Machine Learning Problems by Jesus Rodriguez at Towards Data Science.
- Probabilistic Model Selection with AIC, BIC, and MDL by Jason Browniee at Machine Learning Mastery.
- A Gentle Introduction to Model Selection for Machine Learning by Jason Browniee at Machine Learning Mastery.
Positions available
- Cientista de dados at Ktech!.
- Estágio em Análise de Dados at UP.
- Analista de BI [Pleno] at DataSprints.
- Engenharia de Dados [Pleno/Sênior] at DataSprints.
- Engenheiro DevOps/SRE at iClinic.
- Cientista de Dados at ENGINEERING.
- Cientista de Dados Junior at ENGINEERING.
- Professor/a de Data Science e/ou Machine Learning at Alura.
- Analista de Dados at Sympla.
- Cientista de Dados / Cientista de dados at Sympla.
- Analista de Business Intelligence at Sympla.
- Many data opportunities at Atlantico.
- Data Scientist at RecrutaSimples.
- Applications for 2020 Intern Program Are Now Open at RStudio.
- Computational Biologist at NSU.
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