Best links of the week from 15th April to 21st April

- When it comes to clustering, depending on the algorithm used, one may have a hard time determining the appropriate k (number of clusters). Some algorithms do not require it, but for the ones that do, such as k-means, you should have a look at the elbow method to evaluate the appropriate k or at the silhouette of objects regarding the clusters.
- Dunder Data is a professional training company dedicated to teaching data science and machine learning. There is paid and free online material.
- Software Carpentry, teaching basic lab skills for research computing.
- ROpenSci, transforming science through open data and software.
- mlmaisleve, conceitos rápidos e leves sobre Machine Learning ?.
- kite, Code Faster in Python with Line-of-Code Completions.
- Correlation does not even imply correlation (tricky, but worth a read) at Andrew Gelman’s Blog.
- Why are (almost all) economists unaware of Milton Friedman’s thermostat? at Worthwhile Canadian Initiative.
- Comments about above link here at The Monkey Cage.
- Summer Short Course “An Introduction to Causal Inference” at Causal Analysis in Theory and Practice.
- The Master Algorithm at Data Skeptic.
- The 5 Basic Statistics Concepts Data Scientists Need to Know by George Seif at Towards Data Science.
- The 5 Clustering Algorithms Data Scientists Need to Know by George Seif at Towards Data Science.
- Into the world of clustering algorithms: k-means, k-modes and k-prototypes by Alessia Saggio at AMVA4NewPhysics.
- K-modes at The Shape of Data.
- Hierarchical clustering with mixed type data – what distance/similarity to use? at Cross Validated.
- It’s Okay to Break the Rules, Sometimes by Ken Flerlage at Data Visualization Society.
- How Pew Research Center uses small multiple charts by Peter Bell at Decoded / Pew Research Center.
- How do we know when a visualization is good? Perspectives from a cognitive scientist by Lace Padilla at Multiple Views – Visualization Research Explained.
- Análise das Vítimas de Acidentes de Trânsito nas Rodovias Brasileiras – Parte 2 at Gabriel Lima Goes LinkedIn Profile.
- Algoritmos Genéticos – Aplicação no R at EstaTiDados YouTube Channel.
Positions available
- Engenheiro(a) de Dados at Conta Azul.
- Data Scientist Júnior at Diin.
- Technical Architect (Associate Director) at IQVIA.