Best links of the week from 22nd July to 28th July

- Listen to people all over the world pronouncing the name of countries and capitals.
- Write a letter to the future!
- A Personal Journey into Bayesian Networks by Judea Pearl.
- An innovative way to publish at Nature.
- Here’s What Fruits And Vegetables Looked Like Before We Domesticated Them at Science Alert.
- Regression Sensitivity Analysis: the Robustness Value and the partial R², a shiny app by Carlos Cinelli.
- Do you need to normalize your input data for Random Forests and Neural Networks? (More on Random Forests here) at Data Science (Stack Exchange).
- Cumulative Variable Importance for Random Forest (RF) Models at Rich Pauloo’s Gists.
- Contributing to the R ecosystem by Colin Fay at SpeakerDeck.
- Entrevista: Por que homeopatia é placebo – e não deve ser paga pelo SUS at Super Interessante.
- Drawing maps in R at Emil Malta’s personal website.
- Getting Open Data into R from CKAN at R-Bloggers.
- How to write your own ggplot2 functions in R at InfoWorld.
- Understanding basics of data science by Sharayu Rane at Data Science Central.
- Huge Trello List of Great Data Science Resources by Thia Kai Xin at Data Science Central.
- Why do Decision Trees Work? by Amelia Matteson at Data Science Central.
- Sample Size Formula at Statistics Solutions.
- Improving performance of random forests for a particular value of outcome by adding chosen features at Mathematician in Data Science.
- Sample Projects for Data Scientists in Training by Vincent Granville at Data Science Central.
- 6 Steps To Write Any Machine Learning Algorithm From Scratch: Perceptron Case Study by John Sullivan at Towards Data Science.
- 10 Required Non-technical Skills for a Data Scientist by Khosrow Hassibi at Data Science Central.
- Crash Course On Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Networks by Jason Brownlee at Machine Learning Mastery.
- Invariant Risk Minimization: An Information Theoretic View at inFERENCe.
- Using Decision Theory to Justify Your Alpha at Daniel Laken’s The 20% Statistician.
- Raspagem de dados sem escrever código at Pizza de Dados.
- Um passeio pelo backstage de um podcast at Pizza de Dados.
- Making Sense of Sensitivity: Extending Omitted Variable Bias by Carlos Cinelli at Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) YouTube channel.
Scientific Articles
- What You See May Not Be What You Get: A Brief, Nontechnical Introduction to Overfitting in Regression-Type Models at Psychosomatic Medicine.
- The number of subjects per variable required in linear regression analyses at Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
- Making Sense of Sensitivity: Extending Omitted Variable Bias (Preprint) [1]
- Availability of cookies during an academic course session affects evaluation of teaching at Medical Education Journal.
Positions available
- Post-doctoral position to investigate the role and regulation of transposons during the earliest stages of mammalian development at the MRC London Institute of Medical Science.
- Research Associate in Paradigms of Artificial General Intelligence and Their Associated Risk at the University of Cambridge.
- Ph.D. fellow in Theoretical Machine Learning at the University of Copenhagen.
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Data Science at the University of Auckland.
- Ph.D. Candidate / Research Assistant at the ETH Zurich.
- Ph.D. Scholarship in Computational Linguistics (Natural Language Processing) at the University of Ghent.
- Ph.D. in Governance of Artificial Intelligence in The Energy Transition at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
- Ph.D. in Robust Deep Learning in the Physical World at Robert Bosch GmbH.
- Ph.D. position in Machine Learning-based Design of High-Frequency Circuits and Systems at the Ghent University.
- Ph.D. position in Yield and Variability Optimization of Integrated Circuits using Machine Learning at the Ghent University.
- Ph.D. Position in Bioinformatics : Identification of gene regulation mechanisms by integrative and massive analysis of sequencing data at Aix*Marseille Université.
- Sr. Data Engineer at Cobli.
- Data Scientist at Docket.
- Analista Data Science at Wiz.
- Engenheiro de Dados – Especialista at Birdie.
- Cientista de dados at ShareRH.
- Data Scientist Sr at CargoX.
- Estagiário de Data Analytics at Data & Insights.
- Engenheiro de Dados (Produtos Financeiros) at Stone.
- Analista de Dados Pleno – Produto Consumidor at iFood.
- Data scientist – Product Discovery at Voith Innovation Lab.
- Cientista de Dados at Mirante Tecnologia.
- Programador Ciência de Dados at Grupo AVAL.
- Analista de Machine Learning at Omnilogic.
- Analista de BI – Nível Pleno at HrSoul Hunting Relationship.
- Cientista de dados at Árvore.
- Software Developer – Data Engineering at Cabify.