Best links of the week from 18th August to 23th August

- Facebook cria IA que acelera em 4 vezes exames de ressonância magnética at Olhar Digital.
- Quasi experiment at Wikipedia.
- Internal validity at Wikipedia.
- External validity at Wikipedia.
- cmx.js – a library for authoring xkcd-style comixes.
- Create your own xkcd-style comics using HTML markup.
Blog posts
- GPT-3 Has No Idea What It Is Saying by Steve Shwartz at Towards Data Science.
- Mathematics: An essential skill for aspiring data science professional! at Mark Taylor‘s Medium.
- tidyverse-tips at Olivier Gimenez‘s Blog.
- Causal Inference – Part I by Susan Athey at SMILES’s YouTube channel.
- Causal Inference – Part II by Susan Athey at SMILES’s YouTube channel.
- Causality by Kun Zhang at SMILES’s YouTube channel.
- Learning Theory by Ruth Urner at SMILES’s YouTube channel.
- Technical obstacles to ML implementation in healthcare by Anna Goldenberg at SMILES’s YouTube channel.
- Causality and Increasing Model Reliability by Suchi Saria at SMILES’s YouTube channel.
- Quasi-Experimental Designs at Onderzoeksmethoden UvA‘s YouTube channel.
- Regression Discontinuity Analysis at Onderzoeksmethoden UvA‘s YouTube channel.
- Identification Strategies, Part 1: How Economists Establish Causality at Ashley Hodgson‘s YouTube channel.
- Identification, Part 2: Regression Discontinuity at Ashley Hodgson‘s YouTube channel.
- Identification, Part 3: Instrumental Variables at Ashley Hodgson‘s YouTube channel.
- Identification, Part 4: Differences-in-differences / Natural Experiment at Ashley Hodgson‘s YouTube channel.
- An intuitive introduction to Regression Discontinuity at Doug McKee‘s YouTube channel.
- Regression Discontinuity: Looking at People on the Edge (Causal Inference Bootcamp) at Mod•U: Powerful Concepts in Social Science‘s YouTube channel.
- Noncompliance in Experiments (Causal Inference Bootcamp) at Mod•U: Powerful Concepts in Social Science‘s YouTube channel.
- Discrete Choice Analysis (Causal Inference Bootcamp) at Mod•U: Powerful Concepts in Social Science‘s YouTube channel.
- Confounders in Discrete Choice Analysis (Causal Inference Bootcamp) at Mod•U: Powerful Concepts in Social Science‘s YouTube channel.
- An intuitive introduction to Difference-in-Differences at Doug McKee‘s YouTube channel.
- Types of Experimental Designs at Simple Learning Pro‘s YouTube channel.
- The Effects of Outliers and Extrapolation on Regression (2.4) at Simple Learning Pro‘s YouTube channel.
- Density Curves and their Properties (5.1) at Simple Learning Pro‘s YouTube channel.
- MLOps Tutorial #4: GitHub Actions with your own GPUs at DVCorg‘s YouTube channel.
Positions available
- Engenheiro(a) de dados junior at enjoei.
- Engenheiro de Dados at James Delivery.
- Cientista de Dados at James Delivery.
- Analista de Dados at James Delivery.
- Applied Statistician LATAM at BAYER.
- Cientista de Dados at Onkos.
- Engenheir@ de Dados at tembici.
- Engenharia de Dados Sênior at VINDI.
- Cientista de Dados at Joinus Consultoria em Gestão de Pessoas.
- Cientista de Dados II at Suzano.
- Analista de Dados at Valid.
- Data Engineer at Dextra.
- Senior Data Pipeline Engineer at Wildlife Studios.
- Deep Learning Engineer at CloudWalk, Inc.
- Data Scientist at Neoway.
- Machine Learning Engineer at Ilumeo.
- Backend Developer Pleno & Sênior at T10.