Reading time: < 1 minuteBest links of the week from 4th February to 10th February. Links Como controlar o braço de outra pessoa com o poder da sua mente? at UOL. vidente is an R package I am currently writing to parse and analyze data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program, which covers over 1/3 of …
Tag: datascience
The unintended trap in bracket subsetting in R
Reading time: 3 minutesThe silent [and maybe mortal?] trap in bracket subsetting. Dear reader, It should be clear to you that, as several other programming languages, R provides different ways to tackle the same problem. One common problem in data analysis is to subset your data frame and, as Google can show you, there are several blog posts …
Best links of the week #4
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 28th January to 3rd February. Links Upload your CV and get suggestions and corrections at CV Compiler. Regression toward the mean at Wikipedia. Free and open resource with Machine Learning papers, code and evaluation tables at Papers With Code. Machine Learning Timeline at Leandro Mineti’s GitHub. Vários algoritmos de …
Best links of the week #3
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 21th January to 27th January. Links The bioinformatics chat is a podcast about computational biology, bioinformatics, and next generation sequencing. Trilha de estudos de Data Science at fcqueiroz’s GitHub. Jonas Salk: Good at Virology, Bad at Economics at Slate. Why is Data Preprocessing required? at Ques10. What bioRxiv’s first …
Best links of the week #2
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 14th January to 20th January. Links Data Hackers BR is apparently the largest community for Data Science in Brazil. They own a blog, a podcast, a Slack channel and a mailing list. Peeriodicals is a platform where you can compile a set of [existing] articles into a virtual journal, …
Best links of the week #1
Reading time: < 1 minuteBest links of the week from 7th January to 13th January. Blog/posts Price’s Law: Why Only A Few People Generate Half Of The Results at Darius Foroux’s blog. Why every data scientist shall read “The Book of Why” by Judea Pearl at Towards Data Science. Understanding Purposive Sampling at ThoughtCo., which is a non-probability sampling, as …