Tag: ml


Best links of the week #87

Reading time: 3 minutesBest links of the week from September 2nd to November, 11th. Links Creative Thinking by Claude Shannon at Yousouf Naderi’s website. Latin Square Analysis of Variance at StatsDirect. BAYESIAN NETWORKS AND THE SEARCH FOR CAUSALITY at Ricardo Silva’s website. Triadic closure at Wikipedia. Balance theory at Wikipedia. The 5-Day Regression Challenge by Rachael Tatman at …


Best links of the week #79

Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 14th September to 27th September Links Painel de análise do excesso de mortalidade por causas naturais no Brasil em 2020 at CONASS. iDiscover. Several dashboards related to COVID19 in Brazil by IBGE. Divulgação de Candidaturas e Contas Eleitorais. The Cognitive Bias Index at WikiMedia. Loki’s Wager and The Merchant …


Best links of the week #70

Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 18th May to 7th June Links Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free at FreeCodeCamp. Our weird behavior during the pandemic is messing with AI models at MIT Technology Review. microdatasus Python Package. Meet xaringan: Making slides in R Markdown by Alison …


Best links of the week #62

Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 23rd March to 29th March Links Share Code from any Device. How Fast Does a Virus Spread? Let’s Do the Math at WIRED. The Promising Math Behind ‘Flattening the Curve’ at WIRED. SAS libera mais de 100 cursos online de análise de dados at CanalTech. Dashboard do Ministério da …

Data Science, PhD, R

Manage your Data Science Project in R

Reading time: 9 minutesDVC is the git equivalent for data and data science pipelines. Along with git and some R technologies such as packrat and RMarkdown you can manage your whole data science project in a very productive way! This post is a tutorial on using all these tools to manage your Data Science project!


Best links of the week #49

Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 23rd December to 29th December Links How Margaret Dayhoff Brought Modern Computing to Biology at Smithsonian Magazine. Humans have a natural lifespan of only 38 years at Daily Mail (paper here). When Surgeons Listen To Their Preferred Music, Their Stitches Are Better and Faster at FAC Medicine. Artificial intelligence …