Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 30th March to 5th April Links MonitoraCovid-19 at Big Data Fiocruz. Livros Gratuitos da Springer at Marcus Nunes’ Blog. Painel de Leitos e Insumos dos estados brasileiros. See how your community is moving around differently due to COVID-19. Data extraction of Google’s COVID-19 Mobility Reports at vitorbaptista’s GitHub.
Mobility and COVID-19 cases. Did Brazil stop?
Reading time: 9 minutesDid Brazil really stopped with the COVID-19 pandemic? Let’s analyze some datasets from IBGE, the Ministry of Healthcare and data from Google Mobility report and check it out..
Shortcuts stop working when Opera is running [FIXED]
Reading time: 2 minutesWhenever Opera is running, it overrides not only some system-wide shortcuts but also other software shortcuts. I had this issue and here I share with you how I fixed it!
Best links of the week #62
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 23rd March to 29th March Links Share Code from any Device. How Fast Does a Virus Spread? Let’s Do the Math at WIRED. The Promising Math Behind ‘Flattening the Curve’ at WIRED. SAS libera mais de 100 cursos online de análise de dados at CanalTech. Dashboard do Ministério da …
Best links of the week #61
Reading time: 2 minutesEven though I brought some links related to covid19, I tried to also share other topics. Looking for a way to evaluate your classification algorithm? Come and check some nice metrics 😉
Best links of the week #60
Reading time: 3 minutesBest links of the week from 9th March to 15th March Links Testes Diagnósticos (Bioestatística) at Prof. Dr. Enrico Colosimo personal website. Bayes’ Rule for Clinicians: An Introduction published in Frontiers in Psychology. Zencastr: High fidelity podcasting. Do you (want to) use RAIS, the Brazilian matched employer-employee dataset? Let me save you some months of …
Best links of the week #59
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 2nd March to 8th March Links Understanding Bayesian Networks with Examples in R at bnlearn. Rockefeller, Mastercard team up to leverage data science for social impact at devex. Introduction to ggridges. Dados do mercado de trabalho para Cientista de Dados. Desmistificando a inteligência artificial – onde estamos e para …
Manage your Data Science Project in R
Reading time: 9 minutesDVC is the git equivalent for data and data science pipelines. Along with git and some R technologies such as packrat and RMarkdown you can manage your whole data science project in a very productive way! This post is a tutorial on using all these tools to manage your Data Science project!
Best links of the week #58
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 24th February to 1st March Links Architects of Intelligence: The truth about AI from the people building it (Interview with Judea Pearl). Git Command Explorer. Git Cheat Sheet by Git Tower. Asymptotic normality and Central Limit Theorem at Stack Exchange (Mathematics). Asymptotic theory (statistics) at Wikipedia. Get Started with DVC at …
Best links of the week #57
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 17th February to 23rd February Links Luna. A WYSIWYG language for data processing. 40 powerful concepts for understanding the world at Gurwinder Bhogal’s Twitter. Mathematics for Machine Learning (Book). Fairness and machine learning (Book). Mathematicians propose new way of using neural networks to work with noisy, high-dimensional data at …