Reading time: 9 minutesContinuous Machine Learning has come to revolutionize Machine Learning, Data Science and Software Engineering! I will teach you how to exploit this through CML, DVC and MIIC in this blog post 🙂
Tag: r
Manage your Data Science Project in R
Reading time: 9 minutesDVC is the git equivalent for data and data science pipelines. Along with git and some R technologies such as packrat and RMarkdown you can manage your whole data science project in a very productive way! This post is a tutorial on using all these tools to manage your Data Science project!
Best links of the week #30
Reading time: 2 minutesShiny apps controlled by your webcam? Your voice? How about an R package to help you catch cheaters? Data visualization, statistics and much more! Oh! Several opportunities, as always 🙂
Best links of the week #27
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 8th July to 14th July Links The “Rmd first” method: when projects start with documentation Sébastien Rochette’s GitHub repository. goodpractice: Advice on R Package Building. Sampling (statistics) at Wikipedia. Bootstrapping (statistics) at Wikipedia. Jackknife resampling at Wikipedia. Bootstrap in R by Łukasz Deryło at DataCamp Tutorials. How can I …
Best links of the week #25
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 24th June to 30th June Links I know what you did last session – clustering users with ml presented at PAPIs LATAM 2019. You can also see all the talks that happened during PAPIs LATAM 2018 here on their YouTube channel. Data Science Cheatsheet by Maverick Lin at his …
Best links of the week #24
Reading time: 2 minutesBest links of the week from 17th June to 23rd June Links Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained at Oleksii Trekhleb’s GitHub. TOP 100 R tutorials for beginners at Listen Data. Best ZSH theme (powerlevel9k) 🙂 at Ben Hilburn’s GitHub. Discover and install useful RStudio addins …
Best links of the week #23
Reading time: 2 minutes15+ links on data visualization, dataset with 81 variables on brazilian municipalities and a crash course in reproducible research in R!
Best links of the week #20
Reading time: < 1 minuteMore datasets for your analysis, more tips on tidyverse and R and the hitchhiker’s guide to feature extraction 🙂
Best links of the week #18
Reading time: 3 minutesWeak learning, Transfer learning, Cross Validation and much more! Come and check one more release of my best links of the week 🙂
Best links of the week #16
Reading time: 2 minutesThis week the BLOTW come with a very diversified range of links. Make sure to check these open access data repositories that I’ve run into! Geographical data from Brazil, Uber rides and IBM faces to fight bias.